释义 |
Decerebration severance of the brain above the medulla oblongata (along the anterior border of the quad-rigemina), used in experiments on animals in physiological research. Some time after decerebration, decerebrate rigidity of the muscles develops. Decerebration permits study of the reflex activity of the medulla oblongata and the spinal cord in the absence of influence from the interbrain and the cortex of the large hemispheres. decerebration
decerebration [de-ser″ĕ-bra´shun] the act of decerebrating.de·cer·e·bra·tion (dē-ser'ĕ-brā'shŭn), Removal of the brain above the lower border of the corpora quadrigemina, or a complete section of the brain at this level or somewhat below it.de·cer·e·bra·tion (dē-ser'ĕ-brā'shŭn) Removal of the brain above the lower border of the corpora quadrigemina, or a complete section of the brain at this level or somewhat below. decerebration an experimental cutting off of cerebral activity either by sectioning the brain stem or by interrupting the blood supply to the brain. |