SSRFServer Side Request Forgery (malicious exploit of web servers)
SSRFSpiritual Science Research Foundation
SSRFStandard Spectrum Resource Format
SSRFShanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (China)
SSRFSmall Scale Raiding Force (UK)
SSRFSindh Special Relief Fund (Pakistan)
SSRFSouth Sound Reading Foundation (Lacey, WA; National Children's Reading Foundation)
SSRFSocial Security Reserve Fund (Slovakia)
SSRFState Service for the Registration of Foreigners (Turkmenistan)
SSRFSpartan Spatial Random Field (earth science)
SSRFSalt Science Research Foundation (Japan)
SSRFShield Shell Replacement Fabric (US NASA)
SSRFSalton Sea Restoration Fund (California Department of Fish and Game)
SSRFSpace Systems Research Facility
SSRFStatistical Services Revolving Fund (Illinois)
SSRFSödra Sallerups Ryttarförening (Swedish: Southern Sallerup Riders Association; Sallerup, Sweden)
SSRFSpecial State Research Fund (Indiana University)
SSRFSpecial State Reserve Funds (North Carolina)
SSRFSouthern Soldiers Remembrance Fund (Confederate grave markers)
SSRFSocial Service Residential Facility (Florida)
SSRFState Special Revenue Fund (Montana and Ohio)
SSRFSmall Scale Research Fund (Faculty of Languages, Arts and Sciences; Hong Kong Institute of Education)