释义 |
brown spider A name for two distinct species of poisonous spiders, including Loxosceles recluse—which lives in warmer parts of the US—and L laeta—which is native to South America and more dangerous than L reclusa. They can be identified by the presence of a characteristic violin-like marking on their dorsal surface Mechanism of injury Loxoscles contains several necrolyzing enzymes Management Surgical excision of bite site ASAP, which limits the spread of toxins, split thickness skin grafting, corticosteroids, antihistamines; with advanced lesions, tetanus immunization is required, bacterial culture, and broad-spectrum antibioticsbrown spider Loxosceles reclusa–warmer parts of the US and L laeta–South America, more dangerous than L reclusa are secretive, seek secluded sites and bite when bothered; they are identified by the presence of a characteristic violin-like marking on the dorsal surface Local symptoms Cyanosis, necrosis, pustule or bullae, rimmed by ischemia and erythema expanding to 20 cm over wks and months, accompanied by lymphadenitis Systemic symptoms Fever, chills, headache, N&V, dizziness, purpura, myalgia, arthralgia, DIC, and potentially fatal intravascular hemolysis with hemoglobulinuria and acute renal failure Management Surgical excision of bite site ASAP, which limits the spread of toxins, split thickness skin grafting, corticosteroids, antihistamines; with advanced lesions, tetanus immunization is required, bacterial culture, and broad-spectrum antibiotics. |