

单词 cedar



C0183200 (sē′dər)n.1. Any of several Eurasian evergreen coniferous trees of the genus Cedrus in the family Pinaceae, having stiff needles on short shoots and large erect seed cones with broad deciduous scales, and including the cedar of Lebanon.2. Any of several other evergreen coniferous trees or shrubs, especially members of the family Cupressaceae such as the Alaska cedar, incense cedar, or red cedar.3. The durable aromatic wood of any of these plants, especially that of the red cedar, often used to make chests.
[Middle English cedre, from Old French, from Latin cedrus, from Greek kedros.]


(ˈsiːdə) n1. (Plants) any Old World coniferous tree of the genus Cedrus, having spreading branches, needle-like evergreen leaves, and erect barrel-shaped cones: family Pinaceae. See also cedar of Lebanon, deodar2. (Plants) any of various other conifers, such as the red cedars and white cedars3. (Forestry) the wood of any of these trees4. (Plants) any of certain other plants, such as the Spanish cedaradj5. (Furniture) made of the wood of a cedar tree6. (Building) made of the wood of a cedar tree[C13: from Old French cedre, from Latin cedrus, from Greek kedros]


(ˈsi dər)

n. 1. any of several Old World coniferous trees of the genus Cedrus, having wide, spreading branches. 2. other coniferous trees that resemble the true cedar. 3. the fragrant wood of any of these trees, used in furniture and as a moth repellent. [before 1000; Old English ceder < Latin cedrus < Greek kédros]
Noun1.cedar - any of numerous trees of the family Cupressaceae that resemble cedarscedar - any of numerous trees of the family Cupressaceae that resemble cedarscedar treecedarwood, cedar - durable aromatic wood of any of numerous cedar trees; especially wood of the red cedar often used for cedar chestsCupressaceae, cypress family, family Cupressaceae - cypresses and junipers and many cedarsAustrocedrus chilensis, Chilean cedar - a small South American evergreen having coppery bark and pretty foliageCalocedrus decurrens, Libocedrus decurrens, incense cedar, red cedar - tall tree of the Pacific coast of North America having foliage like cypress and cinnamon-red barkAtlantic white cedar, Chamaecyparis thyoides, coast white cedar, southern white cedar, white cypress, white cedar - slow-growing medium-sized cedar of east coast of the United States; resembles American arborvitaeChamaecyparis lawsoniana, Lawson's cedar, Lawson's cypress, Oregon cedar, Port Orford cedar - large timber tree of western North America with trunk diameter to 12 feet and height to 200 feetAlaska cedar, Chamaecyparis nootkatensis, Nootka cypress, yellow cedar, yellow cypress - tall evergreen of the Pacific coast of North America often cultivated for ornamentCryptomeria japonica, Japan cedar, Japanese cedar, sugi - tall evergreen of Japan and China yielding valuable soft woodincense cedar - any of several attractive trees of southwestern South America and New Zealand and New Caledonia having glossy evergreen leaves and scented woodkawaka, Libocedrus plumosa - New Zealand timber tree resembling the cypressLibocedrus bidwillii, mountain pine, pahautea - evergreen tree of New Zealand resembling the kawakaconifer, coniferous tree - any gymnospermous tree or shrub bearing cones
2.cedar - durable aromatic wood of any of numerous cedar trees; especially wood of the red cedar often used for cedar chestscedarwoodtrue cedar, cedar tree, cedar - any cedar of the genus Cedrusred cedar - fragrant reddish wood of any of various red cedar treescedar, cedar tree - any of numerous trees of the family Cupressaceae that resemble cedarsPort Orford cedar - the wood of the Port Orford cedar treewood - the hard fibrous lignified substance under the bark of trees
3.cedar - any cedar of the genus Cedruscedar - any cedar of the genus Cedrus true cedar, cedar treeCedrus, genus Cedrus - true cedarscedarwood, cedar - durable aromatic wood of any of numerous cedar trees; especially wood of the red cedar often used for cedar chestscedar of Lebanon, Cedrus libani - cedar of Lebanon and northwestern Syria that attains great age and heightCedrus deodara, deodar, deodar cedar, Himalayan cedar - tall East Indian cedar having spreading branches with nodding tips; highly valued for its appearance as well as its timberAtlas cedar, Cedrus atlantica - tall Algerian evergreen of Atlas mountains with blue-green leaves; widely planted as an ornamentalconifer, coniferous tree - any gymnospermous tree or shrub bearing cones


(ˈsiːdə) noun1. a cone-bearing evergreen tree. 雪松 雪松2. (also ˈcedarwood) its hard, sweet-smelling wood. 雪松木材 雪松木材



common name for a number of trees, mostly coniferous evergreens. The true cedars belong to the small genus Cedrus of the family Pinaceae (pinepine,
common name for members of the Pinaceae, a family of resinous woody trees with needlelike, usually evergreen leaves. The Pinaceae reproduce by means of cones (see cone) rather than flowers and many have winged seeds, suitable for wind distribution.
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 family). All are native to the Old World from the Mediterranean to the Himalayas, although several are cultivated elsewhere as ornamentals, especially the cedar of Lebanon (C. libani), which appears in the Lebanese flag. This tree, native to Asia Minor and North Africa, is famous for the historic groves of the Lebanon Mts., frequently mentioned in the Bible. The wood used in building the Temple and the house of Solomon (1 Kings 5, 6, and 7) may, however, have been that of the deodar cedar (C. deodara), native to the Himalayas. It has fragrant wood, durable and fine grained, and is venerated by the Hindus, who call it Tree of God. The name cedar is used (particularly in North America, where no cedars are native) for other conifers, e.g., the juniperjuniper,
any tree or shrub of the genus Juniperus, aromatic evergreens of the family Cupressaceae (cypress family), widely distributed over the north temperate zone. Many are valuable as a source of lumber and oil. The small fleshy cones are berrylike in appearance.
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 (red cedar), arborvitaearborvitae
[Lat.,=tree of life], aromatic evergreen tree of the genus Thuja of the family Cupressaceae (cypress family), with scalelike leaves borne on flattened branchlets of a fanlike appearance and with very small cones.
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 (white cedar), and others of the family Cupressaceae (cypresscypress,
common name for members of the Cupressaceae, a widely distributed family of coniferous shrubs and trees, several yielding valuable timber. The major genera are Juniperus (juniper), Thuja (arborvitae), and Cupressus (the true cypresses).
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 family). Several tropical American trees of the genus Cedrela of the mahoganymahogany,
common name for the Meliaceae, a widely distributed family of chiefly tropical shrubs and trees, often having scented wood. The valuable hardwood called mahogany is obtained from many members of the family; in America and Europe it is imported for cabinetmaking and
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 family are also called cedars. True cedars are classified in the division PinophytaPinophyta
, division of the plant kingdom consisting of those organisms commonly called gymnosperms. The gymnosperms, a group that includes the pine, have stems, roots and leaves, and vascular, or conducting, tissue (xylem and phloem).
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, class Pinopsida, order Coniferales, family Pinaceae.


A highly aromatic, moderately high-density, fine-textured wood of a distinctive red color with white streaks; widely used for fence posts, shingles, and mothproof closet linings. See also: Wood


Looks like juniper. (dry mealy blue-green berries almost all stone, little flesh. Juniper berries have 3-7 stones, whereas cedar has one large stone). Grows 10-20 feet high and wide. Bark is shaggy and soft. Chew cedar leaves to clean teeth. Cedar berries help diabetics cut down on insulin. (helps pancreas) Berries also used to expel worms, fight colds, coughs, rheumatism, yeast, fungus, anti-tumor activity. Leaf branches used for fungus, worms, lung problems like asthma and bronchitis, prostate urinary issues, herpes. Antiseptic expectorant. Indians used it in sweat lodges for arthritis and rheumatism. Do not take internally if pregnant. Contains podophyllotoxin, used for cancer. May be toxic in high amounts. Do not take cedar oil internally.



(Cedrus), a genus of coniferous evergreen trees of the family Pinaceae. The trunk is 25–50 m high, with a dark gray, dehiscent, and scaly bark. The crown is spreading and pyramidal or umbrelled (on old trees). The evergreen leaves are acicular, trihedral or tetrahedral, stiff, and spiny; they range in color from dark green and blue-green to silver-gray. The leaves are in fascicles of 30–40 on short shoots (pulvini) or spirally arranged and single on long shoots. The cedar blossoms in the fall. The anther spikelets are individual and surrounded by groups of leaves; the pollen has sacs. The cones are individual, erect, barrel-shaped or ovid, and elongated (length, 5–10 cm; width, 4–6 cm); they mature and fall in the second or third year. The seed-bearing scales are imbricate, appressed, and shaped like broad kidneys. The seeds are resinous, 12–18 mm long, triangular, and winged; they are not edible. The cedar has a surface root system.

Cedars grow on mountains at altitudes of 1,300–3,600 m, forming cedar forests with fir, spruce, pine, oak, and four other species of trees. The Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica) is found in the Atlas Mountains of northwest Africa. The cedar of Lebanon (C. libani) grows in Lebanon and Syria and on the Cilician Taurus in Asia Minor. The Cyprian cedar (C. brevifolia) is found on Cyprus; the deodar (C. deodard) in the Western Himalayas. The wood is yellowish or reddish, fragrant, and resistant to fungus and insect damage.

Cedar trees are cultivated in parks. The blue and silver varieties are particularly valuable. In the USSR cedars, most frequently the Atlas and deodar, are cultivated as ornamentals in the Crimea, Caucasus, and southern Middle Asia. The Atlas is 40 m high and has a pyramidal crown of bluish green, grayish silver, or, less commonly, green needles. The needles measure less than 2.5 cm long. The deodar is 50 m high, with a pyramidal crown and light gray-green slender needles. The needles are 2.5–5.0 cm long.

Several species of pine (for example, the nut pines) and the incense cedars of the coniferous genus Libocedrus of the family Cupressaceae are incorrectly called cedars. Six species of incense cedar are found in New Zealand, New Caledonia, and southern Chile; two species, L. chilensis and L. decurens, are cultivated in the Crimea and Transcaucasia. Several other species of trees are sometimes called cedar. An American juniper, Juniperus virginiana, is also known as the eastern-red cedar. The American arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis) is sometimes called the white cedar.


Derev’ia i kustarniki SSSR, vol. 1. Moscow-Leningrad, 1949.
Walter, H. Die Vegetation der Erde in öko-physiologischen Betrachtung, vol. 2. Jena, 1968.


[′sē·dər] (botany) The common name for a large number of evergreen trees in the order Pinales having fragrant, durable wood.


A durable softwood generally noted for decay resistance; includes western red cedar, incense cedar, eastern red cedar.


symbol of everlasting life. [Western Folklore: Jobes, 301]See: Immortality


1. any Old World coniferous tree of the genus Cedrus, having spreading branches, needle-like evergreen leaves, and erect barrel-shaped cones: family Pinaceae See also cedar of Lebanon deodar2. any of various other conifers, such as the red cedars and white cedars 3. the wood of any of these trees 4. any of certain other plants, such as the Spanish cedar


A superset of Mesa, from Xerox PARC, adding garbage collection, dynamic types and a universal pointer type (REFANY). Cedar is a large complex language designed for customXerox hardware and the Cedar operating system/environment.Data types are atoms, lists, ropes ("industrial strength"strings), conditions. Multi-processing features includethreads, monitors, signals and catch phrases. It wasused to develop the Cedar integrated programming environment.

["A Description of the Cedar Language", Butler Lampson, XeroxPARC, CSL-83-15 (Dec 1983)].

["The Structure of Cedar", D. Swinehart et al, SIGPLAN Notices20(7):230-244 (July 1985)].


CEDARCoupling Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions
CEDARCentral European Environmental Data Request Facility
CEDARCenter for Education and Drug Abuse Research
CEDARCenter of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition
CEDARComprehensive Environmental Data and Reporting System (US DOT)
CEDARCore Extraction Distributed Ad-Hoc Routing
CEDARCentre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research
CEDARCalifornia Economic Diversification and Revitalization
CEDARComputer Enhanced Digital Audio Restoration
CEDARComplexity, Expressibility, and Decidability in Automated Reasoning (workshop)
CEDARChristian Education Development and Relief
CEDARCenter for Economic Development and Applied Research (Royal Roads University)
CEDARCentro de Diagnóstico de Embarazo de Alto Riesgo (Spanish)
CEDARCounty Emergency Dispatch and Response (California)


  • noun

Synonyms for cedar

noun any of numerous trees of the family Cupressaceae that resemble cedars


  • cedar tree

Related Words

  • cedarwood
  • cedar
  • Cupressaceae
  • cypress family
  • family Cupressaceae
  • Austrocedrus chilensis
  • Chilean cedar
  • Calocedrus decurrens
  • Libocedrus decurrens
  • incense cedar
  • red cedar
  • Atlantic white cedar
  • Chamaecyparis thyoides
  • coast white cedar
  • southern white cedar
  • white cypress
  • white cedar
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
  • Lawson's cedar
  • Lawson's cypress
  • Oregon cedar
  • Port Orford cedar
  • Alaska cedar
  • Chamaecyparis nootkatensis
  • Nootka cypress
  • yellow cedar
  • yellow cypress
  • Cryptomeria japonica
  • Japan cedar
  • Japanese cedar
  • sugi
  • kawaka
  • Libocedrus plumosa
  • Libocedrus bidwillii
  • mountain pine
  • pahautea
  • conifer
  • coniferous tree

noun durable aromatic wood of any of numerous cedar trees


  • cedarwood

Related Words

  • true cedar
  • cedar tree
  • cedar
  • red cedar
  • Port Orford cedar
  • wood

noun any cedar of the genus Cedrus


  • true cedar
  • cedar tree

Related Words

  • Cedrus
  • genus Cedrus
  • cedarwood
  • cedar
  • cedar of Lebanon
  • Cedrus libani
  • Cedrus deodara
  • deodar
  • deodar cedar
  • Himalayan cedar
  • Atlas cedar
  • Cedrus atlantica
  • conifer
  • coniferous tree




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