Acronym | Definition |
AVD➣Android Virtual Device (emulator) |
AVD➣Annals of Vascular Diseases (Japan) |
AVD➣Alternate Voice and Data |
AVD➣Advanced Video Disc |
AVD➣Audio Video Design (Melbourne, FL) |
AVD➣Automobilclub von Deutschland (German automobile club) |
AVD➣Address-Value Delta (computing) |
AVD➣Audio Video Distributors (Wixom, MI) |
AVD➣Atomic Vapor Deposition (AXITRON) |
AVD➣Academy of Veterinary Dentistry |
AVD➣Aortic Valve Disease |
AVD➣Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease |
AVD➣Association des Volontaires pour le Développement (French: Association of Volunteers for Development; various locations) |
AVD➣Audio Video Data |
AVD➣Avond Vier Daagse (Dutch; Surinamese parade) |
AVD➣Automatic Voice Dialer |
AVD➣Arzt Vom Dienst (German Medic of the Watch) |
AVD➣Alternating Voice/Data |
AVD➣Average Degree |
AVD➣Destroyer Seaplane Tender (Auxiliary, Aircraft, Destroyer) |
AVD➣Audio Visual Department |
AVD➣Army Veterinary Department |
AVD➣Apparent Volume of Distribution |
AVD➣Audio-Visual Division |
AVD➣Annual Volume Discount |
AVD➣Attack versus Defense (online gaming) |
AVD➣Active Variable Damping |
AVD➣Automatic Voice Data |
AVD➣Amitié Voyages Découverte (French: Friendship Discovery Travel; est. 1986) |
AVD➣Association pour la Vente Directe au Luxembourg (French: Direct Selling Association in Luxembourg; est. 1996; Luxembourg) |
AVD➣Automatic Voice Detection |
AVD➣Average Voltage Drop |
AVD➣Anode Voltage Drop |
AVD➣Assainissement, Vidange, Débouchage (French: Sanitation, Drainage, Drain Cleaning) |
AVD➣Air Velocity Detector |
AVD➣Army Victualling Department |
AVD➣Average Vapor Density |
AVD➣Aydin Vector Division |
AVD➣Automatic Voltage Digitizer |