cecocentral scotoma

ce·co·cen·tral sco·to·ma

a scotoma involving the optic disc area (blind spot) and the papillomacular fibers; there are three forms: the cecocentral defect, which extends from the blind spot toward or into the fixation area; the angioscotoma; and the glaucomatous nerve-fiber bundle scotoma, due to involvement of nerve-fiber bundles at the edge of the optic disc.
See also: Bjerrum scotoma, Rønne nasal step.

ce·co·cen·tral sco·to·ma

(sē-kō-sen'trăl skō-tō'mă) A scotoma involving the optic disc area (blind spot) and the papillomacular fibers; there are three forms: 1) the cecocentral defect that extends from the blind spot toward or into the fixation area; 2) angioscotoma; and 3) glaucomatous nerve-fiber bundle scotoma, due to involvement of nerve-fiber bundles at the edge of the optic disc.
Synonym(s): caecocentral scotom, caecocentral scotoma.