clenched fist sign

clenched fist sign

in angina pectoris, pressing of the clenched fist against the chest to indicate the constricting, pressing quality of the pain.
The holding of a clenched fist over the chest to describe constricting, pressing pain typical of angina

clenched fist sign

Levine sign Cardiology The holding of a clenched fist over chest to describe constricting, pressing pain typical of angina pectoris, see there.

clench·ed fist sign

(klencht fist sīn) In angina pectoris, pressing of the clenched fist against the chest to indicate the constricting, pressing quality of the pain.

clenched fist sign

Pressure of the tightly closed hand against the centre of the chest. This gesture is typical of the patient suffering from ANGINA PECTORIS or the early stages of a heart attack.