Clearwater State Recreation Site
Clearwater State Recreation Site
Location:8.5 miles from Milepost 1415 of the Alaska Highway on Clearwater Road;or 11 miles from Milepost 268 of the RichardsonHighway on Jack Warren Road.
Facilities:17 campsites, picnic area, trails, toilets, drinking water, boat launch.
Activities:Camping, fishing, hiking, river floating.
Special Features:The Delta Clearwater River provides good fishing and river floatopportunities, as well as access to the Tanana and Goodpaster rivers. Aboardwalk at the site allows for up-close viewing of plants andwildlife. In spring and fall, the site is an excellent place to seesandhill cranes, swans, geese, and other migratory birds.
Address:c/o Northern Area Office
3700 Airport Way
Fairbanks, AK 99709
Size: 27 acres.
See other parks in Alaska.