

单词 ens




or Ens.abbr. ensign


(ɛnz) n, pl entia (ˈɛnʃɪə) 1. (Philosophy) being or existence in the most general abstract sense2. (Philosophy) a real thing, esp as opposed to an attribute; entity[C16: from Late Latin, literally: being, from Latin esse to be]





(body)See Ecole Normale Superieure


(Enterprise Networking Services) A variety of networking services from Banyan that have been separated from VINES and made available on other platforms such as NetWare, Windows NT and AIX. They include the Streettalk directory, network management and electronic mail services.


enteric nervous system



A division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) arising from its own line of neural crest cells and composed of the tens of millions of neurons and their supporting cells inside the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, and gallbladder. Although the enteric nervous system is innervated (and modulated) by sympathetic and parasympathetic axons from the other divisions of the ANS, the enteric nervous system also acts independently. Reflex activities (e.g., maintaining gut wall tension and producing peristalsis) are initiated and coordinated via networks entirely inside the gut walls and organized via complex intrinsic ganglionated neural networks of two kinds: Auerbach's plexus and the submucous (Meissner's and Henle's) plexus lying between the circular and muscularis mucosae muscle layers.

Patient discussion about ENS

Q. how do u maintain your shape as par weight en diet? its bse am interested in knowing anything concerning my body.A. maintain shape can be achieved only by doing sports through the diet. are you doing anything? 3 times a week is the least recommended and it will reshape you.
good luck!
and if you have more questions- don't be afraid to ask!

More discussions about ENS


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ENSÉcole Normale Supérieure (French school)
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ENSEmergency Notification System
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ENSEconomics of National Security (various organizations)
ENSEquipos de Nuestra Señora (Spanish: Teams of Our Lady)
ENSEnte Nazionale Sordomuti (Italian: National Institute for Deaf-Mutes)
ENSEdward Nathan Sonnenbergs (law firm; South Africa)
ENSEuropean Nuclear Society
ENSEnteric Nervous System
ENSEnglish Native Speakers (education program)
ENSExecute News Service
ENSEnhanced Network Services
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ENSEnhanced Network Solutions
ENSElectronic Network Systems
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ENSExtended Networking Support
ENSEmbedded Networked Sensing
ENSEuropean Standards
ENSEcole National Supérieure (French: Top National School)
ENSEvent Notification System (software)
ENSEnterprise Networking Solutions, Inc. (California)
ENSEnterprise Network Services (Convergent)
ENSEnterprise Nervous System
ENSEnergy Not Supplied
ENSEmpty Nest Syndrome
ENSEmet News Service (Israel)
ENSEnschede, Netherlands - Twente (Airport Code)
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ENSEcole Nationale Syndicale (French: National School Association)
ENSExternal Neutron Source
ENSElectronic Negotiation System (Canada)
ENSEnterprise Network Strategy
ENSEnhanced Navigation System
ENSExplosive Neutralization System
ENSEnterprise Networking System
ENSEntergy Nuclear South
ENSElectronic News Services
ENSEuropean Network for Science
ENSEuropean Networks and Services




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