Cave-In-Rock State Park

Cave-In-Rock State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Illinois
Location:Southern Illinois, on the Ohio River in Hardin County, off IL 1.
Facilities:34 Class A campsites (with electricity), 25 Class B/S campsites,showers and restrooms in both camping areas, lodge with 4 duplex guesthouses, restaurant, picnic areas, 4 picnic shelters, 3 developedplayground areas, hiking trails, 2 boat ramps, full-service marina(nearby).
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, hiking.
Special Features:Park is named for a 55-foot-wide cave atop the high bluffs overlookingthe Ohio River. From 1797 to the mid-1830s, the cave served as a lairfor outlaws, bandits, and river pirates who preyed on those travelingalong the Ohio River.
Address:1 New State Park Rd
Box 338
Cave-In-Rock, IL 62919

Size: 204 acres.

See other parks in Illinois.