Broca visual plane

Bro·ca vis·u·al plane

(brō'kă), a plane drawn through the visual axes of each eye.

Bro·ca vis·u·al plane

(brō'kă vizh'ū-ăl plān) A plane drawn through the visual axes of each eye.


Paul, French surgeon, neurologist, and anthropologist, 1824-1880. Broca angle - the angle formed at the basion of lines drawn from the nasion and the alveolar point; the angle formed by the intersection at the biauricular axis of lines drawn from the supraorbital point and the alveolar point; the posterior superior angle of the parietal bone. Synonym(s): Broca basilar angle; Broca facial angle; occipital angle of parietal boneBroca aphasia - any of the varieties of aphasia in which the power of expression by writing, speaking, or signs is lost. Synonym(s): motor aphasiaBroca area - Synonym(s): Broca centerBroca basilar angle - Synonym(s): Broca angleBroca center - the posterior part of the inferior frontal gyrus of the left or dominant hemisphere, essential component of the motor mechanisms governing articulated speech. Synonym(s): Broca area; Broca field; Brodmann area 44; motor speech centerBroca diagonal band - a white fiber bundle descending in the precommissural septum toward the base of the forebrain.Broca facial angle - Synonym(s): Broca angleBroca field - Synonym(s): Broca centerBroca fissure - the fissure surrounding Broca convolution.Broca formula - a fully developed man should weigh as many kilograms as he is centimeters in height over and above 1 meter.Broca parolfactory area - a small region of cerebral cortex on the medical surface of the frontal lobe demarcated from the subcallosal gyrus by the posterior parolfactory sulcus. Synonym(s): parolfactory areaBroca pouch - a pear-shaped encapsulated collection of connective tissue and fat in each labium majus. Synonym(s): pudendal sacBroca visual plane - a plane drawn through the visual axes of each eye.