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Foville syndrome Fo·ville syn·drome (fō-vēl'), ipsilateral facial and abducens nerve paralysis, and contralateral hemiplegia, due to a lesion (usually infarction) within the tegmentum of the pons.Fo·ville syn·drome (fō-vēl' sin'drōm) A form of alternating hemiplegia characterized by abducens paralysis on one side, paralysis of the extremities on the other. Foville, Achille L., French neurologist, 1799-1878. Foville fasciculus - a slender, compact fiber bundle that connects the amygdala with the hypothalamus and other basal forebrain regions. Synonym(s): terminal striaFoville paralysis - Synonym(s): Foville syndromeFoville syndrome - a form of alternating hemiplegia characterized by abducens paralysis on one side, paralysis of the extremities on the other. Synonym(s): Foville paralysisFo·ville syn·drome (fō-vēl' sin'drōm) Ipsilateral facial and abducens nerve paralysis, and contralateral hemiplegia, due to a lesion (usually infarction) within tegmentum of pons. |