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classic migraine clas·sic mi·grainea form of hemicrania migraine preceded by a scintillating scotoma (teichopsia).migraine with aura An episodic headache (which accounts for up to 20% of all migraines) that lasts 4 to 72 hours, is associated with nausea and vomiting, as well as photo- and phonophobia, and often follows temporary neurological symptoms known as an aura. While auras can be motor or other sensory in nature, most are visual, the presence of which can be assessed by the visual aura rating scale (VARS). In most patients, the headaches are unilateral, pulsating and of moderate to severe intensity; the aura may not occur on the same side as the migraine. Patients are asymptomatic between episodes. There may be a family history of migraines and of travel sickness. Significance Migraines with aura carries a two-fold greater risk of ischaemic stroke.classic migraine Migraine with aura Neurology An episodic headache that accounts for up to 20% of all migraines, lasts 4 to 72 hrs, is associated with N&V, photo- and phonophobia, and often follows an aura, which may not occur on the same side as the migraine; Pts are asymptomatic between episodes; in most, the headaches are unilateral, pulsating and of moderate to severe intensity; there may be a family history of migraines and of travel sickness. See Migraine. Cf Common migraine. clas·sic mi·graine (klas'ik mī'grān) A form of hemicrania migraine headache preceded by a scintillating scotoma (teichopsia). clas·sic mi·graine (klas'ik mī'grān) Hemicranial migraine preceded by a scintillating scotoma (teichopsia). |