

单词 ccg



Abbreviation for:
cationic colloidal gold
Children’s Cancer Group
clinically coherent group
Community Care Grant (Medspeak-UK)
costochondral graft


CCGClinical Commissioning Group (National Health Service; UK)
CCGCollectible Card Game
CCGCanadian Coast Guard
CCGConference Championship Game (sports)
CCGChildren's Cancer Group
CCGCatan Card Game
CCGCampus Crest Communities (Charlotte, NC)
CCGCommission Canadienne des Grains (Canadian Grain Commission)
CCGConsejo de Cooperación del Golfo (Spanish: Gulf Cooperation Council)
CCGCustomizable Card Game
CCGCountry Commercial Guide
CCGCollectible Card Games
CCGCheats Codes and Guides
CCGCentro de Computação Gráfica (Center of Graphical Computation; Braga, Portugal)
CCGChristian Churches of God
CCGCombinatory Categorial Grammar
CCGCareer Communications Group, Inc.
CCGConseil de Coopération du Golfe (French: Gulf Cooperation Council)
CCGCharles County (Maryland) Government
CCGContinuing Care Group (various locations)
CCGCenter for Comparative Genomics (California Academy of Sciences)
CCGCenter for Corporate Governance
CCGChurch of Greenwood (Greenwood, IN)
CCGClimate Change Group (various organizations)
CCGCentre for Common Ground (Angola)
CCGCaisse Centrale de Garantie (French: Central Guarantee Fund; Morocco)
CCGChild Care Grant (various locations)
CCGConstruction Clients' Group (various locations)
CCGColor Changing Glass (water bongs)
CCGCookie Cutter Girl (superhero)
CCGCombat Communications Group
CCGCouncil on Competitive Government (Texas)
CCGCentre Canadien de Gestion (French: Canadian Centre for Management Development)
CCGCommand and Conquer: Generals (gaming)
CCGChristian Council of Ghana (est. 1929)
CCGChrysler Classic of Greensboro (golf tournament; Greensboro, NC)
CCGComataidh Craolaidh Gaidhlig (Gaelic Broadcasting Committee; Scotland)
CCGCreative Consultants Group (various locations)
CCGCycle Combiné Gaz (French: Combined Cycle Gas; turbines)
CCGCologne Center for Genomics (University of Cologne; Germany)
CCGConventional Control Gear (fluorescent lighting)
CCGCommander Carrier Group
CCGComputer Control Group
CCGCommunauté de Communes du Genevois (French: Community of Communes of Genevois; Saint-Julien-en-Genevois, France)
CCGCold Condition Glove (clothing)
CCGCreep Crack Growth (materials science)
CCGChief Coastguard
CCGCanada Communications Group (Queen's Printer)
CCGCamp Common Ground (Vermont)
CCGCluster Computing Group (various locations)
CCGCahier des Clauses Générales (French: General Conditions of Contract)
CCGCaoutchouc Caucho Gomma (French; International Rubber and Polymer Industry Exhibition; annual)
CCGCentricity Clinical Gateway (software)
CCGCommon Curriculum Goal (Oregon Department of Education)
CCGClass Call Graph
CCGConditions Commerciales Générales (French: General Terms and Conditions)
CCGCrisis Coordination Group
CCGCentral Clock Generator
CCGCartesian Coordinate Grid
CCGC-Code Generator
CCGCentre de Communications du Gouvernement (French: Government Communications Center; Luxembourg)
CCGConsolidated Command Guidance (COE)
CCGControl Commission of Germany
CCGControl Channel Group
CCGCalibration Coordination Group
CCGCombat Camera Group (US Navy)
CCGConsiglio di cooperazione degli Stati arabi del Golfo (Italian)
CCGCommunity Compliance Group (Australia; high-risk offender supervision)
CCGCenter for Competitive Government
CCGContinental Collision Granitoids
CCGCabin Configuration Guide (aviation)
CCGCommon Cause Group
CCGCompany Command Group (US Army)
CCGCargill Consulting Group, Inc.
CCGCollection Configuration Generation
CCGCommand Control Group
CCGCrescent City Graphics
CCGChat Central Gateway
CCGControl Console Group
CCGConnectivity Cluster Graph
CCGCombined Coordination Group
CCGConvolutional Constraint Graph
CCGContinuity and Change in Grammar (International Conference)
CCGConseil Chrétien de Guinée (French: Christian Council of Guinea)
CCGClub and Chapter Guidelines
CCGCommission du Contrôle de Gestion (French: Management Control Board; various organizations)
CCGCorporate Consulting Group, LLC




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