

单词 average



A0545300 (ăv′ər-ĭj, ăv′rĭj)n.1. Mathematics a. A number that typifies a set of numbers of which it is a function.b. See arithmetic mean.2. a. An intermediate level or degree: near the average in size.b. The usual or ordinary kind or quality: Although the wines vary, the average is quite good.3. Sports The ratio of a team's or player's successful performances such as wins, hits, or goals, divided by total opportunities for successful performance, such as games, times at bat, or shots: finished the season with a .500 average; a batting average of .274.4. Law a. The loss of a ship or cargo, caused by damage at sea.b. The incurrence of damage or loss of a ship or cargo at sea.c. The equitable distribution of such a loss among concerned parties.d. A charge incurred through such a loss.5. Nautical Small expenses or charges that are usually paid by the master of a ship.adj.1. Mathematics Of, relating to, or constituting an average.2. Being intermediate between extremes, as on a scale: a movie of average length; a player of average ability.3. Usual or ordinary in kind or character: a poll of average people; average eyesight.4. Assessed in accordance with the law of averages.v. av·er·aged, av·er·ag·ing, av·er·ag·es v.tr.1. Mathematics To calculate the average of: average a set of numbers.2. To do or have an average of: averaged three hours of work a day.3. To distribute proportionately: average one's income over four years so as to minimize the tax rate.v.intr. To be or amount to an average: Some sparrows are six inches long, but they average smaller. Our expenses averaged out to 45 dollars per day.Phrasal Verbs: average down To purchase shares of the same security at successively lower prices in order to reduce the average price of one's position. average up To purchase shares of the same security at successively higher prices in order to achieve a larger position at an average price that is lower than the current market value.
[Early Modern English, damage to a ship or its cargo, equitable distribution of the expenses from such damage, average, from Middle English, charge above the cost of freight, from Old French avarie, from Old Italian avaria, duty, from Arabic 'awārīya, damaged goods, from 'awār, blemish, from 'awira, to be damaged; see ʕwr in Semitic roots.]
av′er·age·ly adv.av′er·age·ness n.Synonyms: average, medium, mediocre, middling, fair1, acceptable, indifferent, tolerable
These adjectives indicate a middle position on a scale of evaluation. Average and medium apply to what is midway between extremes and imply both sufficiency and lack of distinction: a novel of average merit; a digital recording of medium quality.
Mediocre and middling stress the undistinguished aspect of what is average: "The caliber of the students ... has gone from mediocre to above average" (Judy Pasternak)."Every writer creates weak, middling and strong work" (Frank Conroy).
What is fair or acceptable is satisfactory or moderately good but has room for improvement: a fair chance of winning; an acceptable grade on the test.
Indifferent means neither good nor bad and suggests a detached or resigned acceptance of such a status: "Burningham was an indifferent student at every school he attended ... and he preferred to be out of doors" (Andrea Cleghorn).
Something tolerable is good enough under the circumstances, but barely: "Tennyson ... suffered ... from illness fears, particularly of going blind, though he lived into his eighties with tolerable eyesight" (Carla Cantor).


(ˈævərɪdʒ; ˈævrɪdʒ) n1. the typical or normal amount, quality, degree, etc: above average in intelligence. 2. (Mathematics) Also called: arithmetic mean the result obtained by adding the numbers or quantities in a set and dividing the total by the number of members in the set: the average of 3, 4, and 8 is 5. 3. (Mathematics) (of a continuously variable ratio, such as speed) the quotient of the differences between the initial and final values of the two quantities that make up the ratio: his average over the journey was 30 miles per hour. 4. (Law) maritime law a. a loss incurred or damage suffered by a ship or its cargo at seab. the equitable apportionment of such loss among the interested parties5. (Stock Exchange) (often plural) stock exchange a simple or weighted average of the prices of a selected group of securities computed in order to facilitate market comparisons6. on average on the average on an average usually; typically: on average, he goes twice a week. adj7. usual or typical8. mediocre or inferior: his performance was only average. 9. constituting a numerical average: the average age; an average speed. 10. approximately typical of a range of values: the average contents of a matchbox. vb11. (tr) to obtain or estimate a numerical average of12. (tr) to assess the general quality of13. (tr) to perform or receive a typical number of: to average eight hours' work a day. 14. (tr) to divide up proportionately: they averaged the profits among the staff. 15. (tr) to amount to or be on average: the children averaged 15 years of age. 16. (Stock Exchange) (intr) stock exchange to purchase additional securities in a holding whose price has fallen (average down) or risen (average up) in anticipation of a speculative profit after further increases in price[C15 averay loss arising from damage to ships or cargoes (shared equitably among all concerned, hence the modern sense), from Old Italian avaria, ultimately from Arabic awār damage, blemish] ˈaveragely adv ˈaverageness n


(ˈæv ər ɪdʒ, ˈæv rɪdʒ)

n., adj., v. -aged, -ag•ing. n. 1. a. a quantity, rating, or the like that represents or approximates an arithmetic mean: a golf average in the 90's. Compare grade point average. b. arithmetic mean. c. a number or value intermediate to a set of numbers or values. 2. a typical or usual amount, rate, degree, level, etc.; norm. adj. 3. of, pertaining to, or forming an average; estimated by average: the average rainfall. 4. typical; common; ordinary: the average person. v.t. 5. to find an average value for (a variable quantity); reduce to a mean. 6. (of a variable quantity) to have as an arithmetic mean: Wheat averages 56 pounds to a bushel. 7. to do or have on the average: to average seven hours of sleep a night. v.i. 8. to have or show an average. Idioms: on the or an average, usually; typically. [1485–95; late Middle English averay charge on goods shipped, orig. duty (< Middle French avarie < early Italian avaria < Arabic ‘awārīyah damaged merchandise), with -age replacing -ay] av′er•age•a•ble, adj. av′er•age•ly, adv. av′er•age•ness, n.


(ăv′ər-ĭj) A number, especially the arithmetic mean, that is derived from and considered typical or representative of a set of numbers. Compare arithmetic mean, median, mode.


Past participle: averaged
Gerund: averaging
I average
you average
he/she/it averages
we average
you average
they average
I averaged
you averaged
he/she/it averaged
we averaged
you averaged
they averaged
Present Continuous
I am averaging
you are averaging
he/she/it is averaging
we are averaging
you are averaging
they are averaging
Present Perfect
I have averaged
you have averaged
he/she/it has averaged
we have averaged
you have averaged
they have averaged
Past Continuous
I was averaging
you were averaging
he/she/it was averaging
we were averaging
you were averaging
they were averaging
Past Perfect
I had averaged
you had averaged
he/she/it had averaged
we had averaged
you had averaged
they had averaged
I will average
you will average
he/she/it will average
we will average
you will average
they will average
Future Perfect
I will have averaged
you will have averaged
he/she/it will have averaged
we will have averaged
you will have averaged
they will have averaged
Future Continuous
I will be averaging
you will be averaging
he/she/it will be averaging
we will be averaging
you will be averaging
they will be averaging
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been averaging
you have been averaging
he/she/it has been averaging
we have been averaging
you have been averaging
they have been averaging
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been averaging
you will have been averaging
he/she/it will have been averaging
we will have been averaging
you will have been averaging
they will have been averaging
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been averaging
you had been averaging
he/she/it had been averaging
we had been averaging
you had been averaging
they had been averaging
I would average
you would average
he/she/it would average
we would average
you would average
they would average
Past Conditional
I would have averaged
you would have averaged
he/she/it would have averaged
we would have averaged
you would have averaged
they would have averaged
Noun1.average - a statistic describing the location of a distribution; "it set the norm for American homes"normstatistics - a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and the use of probability theory to estimate population parametersstatistic - a datum that can be represented numericallyage norm - the average age at which particular performances are expected to appearmodal value, mode - the most frequent value of a random variablemedian, median value - the value below which 50% of the cases fallmean, mean value - an average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the numbers and dividing by some function of n
2.average - (sports) the ratio of successful performances to opportunitiesathletics, sport - an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competitionbatting average, hitting average - (baseball) a measure of a batter's performance; the number of base hits divided by the number of official times at bat; "Ted Williams once had a batting average above .400"fielding average - (baseball) a measure of a fielder's performance; the number of assists and putouts divided by the number of chancesratio - the relative magnitudes of two quantities (usually expressed as a quotient)
3.average - an intermediate scale value regarded as normal or usual; "he is about average in height"; "the snowfall this month is below average"scale value - a value on some scale of measurement
Verb1.average - amount to or come to an average, without loss or gain; "The number of hours I work per work averages out to 40"average outnumber, total, amount, add up, come - add up in number or quantity; "The bills amounted to $2,000"; "The bill came to $2,000"
2.average - achieve or reach on average; "He averaged a C"achieve, attain, accomplish, reach - to gain with effort; "she achieved her goal despite setbacks"
3.average - compute the average ofaverage - compute the average of average outarithmetic - the branch of pure mathematics dealing with the theory of numerical calculationscompute, calculate, cipher, cypher, figure, reckon, work out - make a mathematical calculation or computation
Adj.1.average - approximating the statistical norm or average or expected valueaverage - approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value; "the average income in New England is below that of the nation"; "of average height for his age"; "the mean annual rainfall"meanstatistics - a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and the use of probability theory to estimate population parametersnormal - conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm; not abnormal; "serve wine at normal room temperature"; "normal diplomatic relations"; "normal working hours"; "normal word order"; "normal curiosity"; "the normal course of events"
2.average - lacking special distinction, rank, or status; commonly encountered; "average people"; "the ordinary (or common) man in the street"ordinarycommon - having no special distinction or quality; widely known or commonly encountered; average or ordinary or usual; "the common man"; "a common sailor"; "the common cold"; "a common nuisance"; "followed common procedure"; "it is common knowledge that she lives alone"; "the common housefly"; "a common brand of soap"
3.average - lacking exceptional quality or ability; "a novel of average merit"; "only a fair performance of the sonata"; "in fair health"; "the caliber of the students has gone from mediocre to above average"; "the performance was middling at best"middling, mediocre, fairordinary - not exceptional in any way especially in quality or ability or size or degree; "ordinary everyday objects"; "ordinary decency"; "an ordinary day"; "an ordinary wine"
4.average - around the middle of a scale of evaluation; "an orange of average size"; "intermediate capacity"; "medium bombers"medium, intermediatemoderate - being within reasonable or average limits; not excessive or extreme; "moderate prices"; "a moderate income"; "a moderate fine"; "moderate demands"; "a moderate estimate"; "a moderate eater"; "moderate success"; "a kitchen of moderate size"; "the X-ray showed moderate enlargement of the heart"
5.average - relating to or constituting the most frequent value in a distribution; "the modal age at which American novelists reach their peak is 30"modalstatistics - a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and the use of probability theory to estimate population parametersnormal - conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm; not abnormal; "serve wine at normal room temperature"; "normal diplomatic relations"; "normal working hours"; "normal word order"; "normal curiosity"; "the normal course of events"
6.average - relating to or constituting the middle value of an ordered set of values (or the average of the middle two in a set with an even number of values); "the median value of 17, 20, and 36 is 20"; "the median income for the year was $15,000"medianstatistics - a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and the use of probability theory to estimate population parametersnormal - conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm; not abnormal; "serve wine at normal room temperature"; "normal diplomatic relations"; "normal working hours"; "normal word order"; "normal curiosity"; "the normal course of events"


noun1. standard, normal, usual, par, mode, mean, rule, medium, norm, run of the mill, midpoint The pay is about the average for a service industry.adjective1. usual, common, standard, general, normal, regular, ordinary, typical, commonplace, unexceptional The average man burns 2000 calories a day.
usual great, bad, different, special, terrible, unusual, outstanding, remarkable, awful, exceptional, memorable, notable, abnormal
2. mean, middle, medium, intermediate, median Of the US's million millionaires, the average age was 63.
mean minimum, maximum
3. mediocre, fair, ordinary, moderate, pedestrian, indifferent, not bad, middling, insignificant, so-so (informal), banal, second-rate, middle-of-the-road, tolerable, run-of-the-mill, passable, undistinguished, uninspired, unexceptional, bog-standard (Brit. & Irish slang), no great shakes (informal), fair to middling (informal) I was only average academically.
verb1. make on average, be on average, even out to, do on average, balance out to pay increases averaging 9.75%on average usually, generally, normally, typically, for the most part, as a rule On average we would be spending $200 a day.


nounSomething, as a type, number, quantity, or degree, that represents a midpoint between extremes on a scale of valuation:mean, median, medium, norm, par.adjective1. Of moderately good quality but less than excellent:acceptable, adequate, all right, common, decent, fair, fairish, goodish, moderate, passable, respectable, satisfactory, sufficient, tolerable.Informal: OK, tidy.2. Commonly encountered:common, commonplace, general, normal, ordinary, typical, usual.3. Being of no special quality or type:common, commonplace, cut-and-dried, formulaic, garden, garden-variety, indifferent, mediocre, ordinary, plain, routine, run-of-the-mill, standard, stock, undistinguished, unexceptional, unremarkable.


(ˈӕvəridʒ) noun the result of adding several amounts together and dividing the total by the number of amounts. The average of 3, 7, 9 and 13 is 8 (= 32:4). 平均數 平均数 adjective1. obtained by finding the average of amounts etc. average price; the average temperature for the week. 平均的 平均的2. ordinary; not exceptional. The average person is not wealthy; His work is average. 平常的 平常的 verb to form an average. His expenses averaged (out at) 15 dollars a day. 平均為 平均为


平均数zhCN, 平均的zhCN


than the average bear

A comparative phrase meaning more/less, better/worse, etc., than the average person or thing. Originates from the animated character Yogi Bear, whose catchphrase is that he is "smarter than the average bear." He's certainly tougher than the average bear. I don't excel at all my subjects, but I still think I'm smarter than the average bear.See also: average, bear

average Jane

An average, unexceptional, or ordinary girl or woman. Derived from the more common phrase "average Joe," which generally refers to a boy or man. What sets me apart from your average Jane, though, is my tenacity and ferocity in business. I'm as much a fan of the show as the average Jane, but I don't watch it religiously.See also: average, Jane

average Joe

An average, unexceptional, or ordinary person, especially a boy or man. So many movies try to cater to as many people as possible, watered down for the average Joe. I like to think I'm a bit more intelligent than your average Joe.See also: average, joe

Joe Average

The average, ordinary, or typical person. Primarily heard in US. The inner workings of congress might be familiar to a political science student like yourself, but to Joe Average, it is often a completely unknown process. We strive to ensure that our computers can handle the highest demands of an IT professional but still remain accessible to Joe Average.See also: average, joe

average bear

The average person or thing. It is typically used as a point of comparison in the phrase "than the average bear." Originates from the animated character Yogi Bear, whose catchphrase is that he is "smarter than the average bear." He's certainly tougher than the average bear. I don't excel at all my subjects, but I still think I'm smarter than the average bear.See also: average, bear

a cut above average

Considered not the best but a little above average. The quality of this dress isn't the finest that I've seen, but it is a cut above average.See also: above, average, cut

on an average

Typically. On an average, how many cupcakes does your shop sell daily?See also: average, on

average out (to)

1. To calculate the median number of a set of figures. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "average" and "out." You need to average out your expenses and make a budget for yourself. I haven't averaged the kids' test scores out yet, but I don't think it will be a very high number, as most of them failed.2. To reach an amount that is indicative of an overall situation (rather than the occasional high or low points). In this usage, "to" is commonly part of the phrase. I've had both high and low test scores this semester, but I think it will average out to a decent overall grade.See also: average, out

average up

To calculate the median number of a set of figures. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "average" and "up." You need to average up your expenses and make a budget for yourself. I haven't averaged the kids' test scores up yet, but I don't think it will be a very high number, as most of them failed.See also: average, up

above average

Better than most people or things in a certain area. Because Jerry's SAT scores were well above average, he was able to attend the college of his choice. Our sales were above average for this market.See also: above, average

below average

Subpar. You'll never get into a top college with below average grades like these.See also: average, below

law of averages

The idea that no one result will happen all the time. Don't worry, you'll score a goal eventually. It's just the law of averages.See also: average, law, of

on the average

Typically; in general. How many cupcakes does your shop sell daily, on the average? I know he has had some awkward moments, but, on the average, Tim is a nice guy.See also: average, on

above average

higher or better than the average. Max's grades are always above average.See also: above, average

average out (at something)

 and average out (to something)to equal something as the average of a set of figures. The figures averaged out at what was expected. Will the charges average out to a reasonable figure? Over time, our expenses will average out to a low monthly outlay.See also: average, out

average something up

to calculate the average of a set of figures. Please add these figures and average them up. Please average up all the monthly expenses for the previous year. Will you please average these figures up on the calculator?See also: average, up

below average

lower or worse than average. Tom's strength is below average for a child his size. Dad asked why my grades are below average.See also: average, below

a cut above average

better than average. John isn't the best mechanic in town, but he's a cut above average.See also: above, average, cut

on the average

 and on averagegenerally; usually. On the average, you can expect about a 10 percent failure rate. This report looks OK, on average.See also: average, on

law of averages

The idea that probability will influence all occurrences in the long term, that one will neither win nor lose all of the time. For example, If it rains every day this week, by the law of averages we're bound to get a sunny day soon . This colloquial term is a popular interpretation of a statistical principle, Bernoulli's theorem, formulated in the late 1600s. See also: average, law, of

on the average

As a rule, usually, as in On the average, about 15 percent of the freshmen class will drop out before graduation. This expression uses average in the sense of "a norm or standard." [First half of 1700s] See also: average, on

the ˌlaw of ˈaverages

the principle that one thing will happen as often as another if you try enough times: Keep applying for jobs and by the law of averages you’ll get one sooner or later.See also: average, law, of

average out

v.1. To calculate the average of something: Let's average out the students' scores to see how well the class did overall. We took the rainfall figures for every summer since 1950 and averaged them out.2. To have some amount as an average: The time you spend on the phone averages out to three hours each day. Though there are some very high prices here, there are some low ones, too, and they average out.See also: average, out



number used to represent or characterize a group of numbers. The most common type of average is the arithmetic meanmean,
in statistics, a type of average. The arithmetic mean of a group of numbers is found by dividing their sum by the number of members in the group; e.g., the sum of the seven numbers 4, 5, 6, 9, 13, 14, and 19 is 70 so their mean is 70 divided by 7, or 10.
..... Click the link for more information.
. See medianmedian.
1 In statistics, a type of average. In a group of numbers as many numbers of the group are larger than the median as are smaller. In the group 4, 5, 6, 9, 13, 14, 19, the median is 9, three numbers being larger and three smaller.
..... Click the link for more information.
; modemode,
in statistics, an infrequently used type of average. In a group of numbers the mode is the number occurring most frequently. In the group 1, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 9, 9, the mode is 6 because it occurs four times and the others only once or twice.
..... Click the link for more information.





in maritime law. (1) General average—property damage caused intentionally to a ship or its cargo to avoid danger to both or to forestall losses (for instance, the jettison of cargo or of ship provisions to lighten the ship in trying to get off a sandbank). The USSR Trade Navigation Code defines general average as losses suffered as a consequence of intentional and reasonable emergency expenditures and sacrifices to save a ship or its cargo from danger. The losses incurred in the case of general average are distributed proportionally according to the value of the ship, freight, and heavy loads.

(2) Particular average—unintentional damage caused to a ship or its cargo or in connection with their movement; the losses in the case of particular average are borne by those who suffered them or by those who are responsible for having caused them.

In Soviet legislation questions relating to general and particular average are regulated by the USSR Trade Navigation Code. In international trade, relations arising out of general average are regulated by the York-Antwerp Rules (the 1950 edition). These rules are applied only according to an agreement between the parties included in their contract of affreightment.


[′av·rij] (mathematics) arithmetic mean


1. the result obtained by adding the numbers or quantities in a set and dividing the total by the number of members in the set 2. (of a continuously variable ratio, such as speed) the quotient of the differences between the initial and final values of the two quantities that make up the ratio 3. Maritime lawa. a loss incurred or damage suffered by a ship or its cargo at sea b. the equitable apportionment of such loss among the interested parties



(av'ĕr-ij), A value that represents or summarizes the relevant features of a set of values; it is usually computed by a mathematical manipulation of the individual values in a set to equalize them and determine a mean. [M.E. averays, loss from damage to ship or cargo, fr. It. avaris, fr. Ar. 'awariya, damaged goods, + damage]


noun The sum of the values of all observations or data points divided by the number of observations; an arithmetical average; the central tendency of a collection of numbers, which is a sum of the numbers divided by the amount of numbers the collection.
• Population mean (µ).
• Sample mean (x-bar).
Vox populi-UK
adjective Stingy; miserly; unwilling to share.
Vox populi-US
adjective Unkind, spiteful.


Arithmetic average, arithmetic mean Statistics A measure of central tendency, calculated by the sum of all data points dividing by the number–n of data points. See Time-weighted average.


(av'răj) 1. A value that represents or summarizes the relevant features of a set of values; it is usually computed by a mathematical manipulation of the individual values in a set. 2. Synonym(s): arithmetic mean. [M.E. averays, loss from damage to ship or cargo, fr. It. avaris, fr. Ar. 'awariya, damaged goods, + damage]

Patient discussion about average

Q. What is the average weight of 11-year-old girl? My niece is very thin for her age. What is the average weight of 11-year-old girl?A. It could have been easy for us to suggest you rightly if you had given the details of her actual weight. As an 11 year old, and determined on a poll at Sullivan, I came up with the results below.
5, 2-102- 110
5, 0- 97
4, 9 and lower - 85 pounds to 92
These are real results tested on real girls at 11 years.

Q. how much protein should the average male eat per day? Does it matter if the protein comes from vegetables, nuts, animals?A. Your daily protein intake should be between 10% to 15% of your daily caloric intake. Here is a website that helps you calculate exactly how much protein you should consume according to your weight:

Q. I just want to get an average weight. Please help. Hi this is Devonate, I’m 17, 5'5" and weigh 240 but most of my weight is in my belly. I want to loose my belly fat. I hate to hang around. I have low-self esteem and I hate to look at me in the mirror. I just want to get an average weight. Please help.A. you need to get active and eat healthier. consume natural unprocessed foods. eat fruit and veggies and lean meats. exercise wise, find something that you can enjoy doing for the rest of your life. biking walking, jogging are good for starters.

More discussions about average


Related to Average: standard deviation

AVERAGE. A term used in commerce to signify a contribution made by theowners of the ship, freight and goods, on board, in proportion to theirrespective interests, towards any particular loss or expense sustained forthe general safety of the ship and cargo; to the end that the particularloser may not be a greater sufferer than the owner of the ship and the otherowners of goods on board. Marsh. Ins. B. 1, c. 12, s. 7; Code de Com. art.397; 2 Hov. Supp. to Ves. jr. 407; Poth. Aver. art. Prel.
2. Average is called general or gross average, because it fallsgenerally upon the whole or gross amount of the ship, freight and cargo; andalso to distinguish it from what is often though improperly termedparticular average, but which in truth means a particular or partial, andnot a general loss; or has no affinity to average properly so called.Besides these there are other small charges, called petty or accustomedaverages; such as pilotage, towage, light-money, beaconage, anchorage,bridge toll, quarantine, river charges, signals, instructions, castle money,pier money, digging the ship out of the ice, and the like.
3. A contribution upon general average can only be claimed in caseswhere, upon as much deliberate on and consultation between the captain andhis officers as the occasion will admit of, it appears that the sacrifice atthe time it was made, was absolutely and indispensably necessary for thepreservation of the ship and cargo. To entitle the owner of the goods to anaverage contribution, the loss must evidently conduce to the preservation ofthe ship and the rest of the cargo; and it must appear that the ship and therest of the cargo were in fact saved. Show. Ca. Parl. 20. See generally Codede Com. tit. 11 and 12; Park, Ins. c. 6; Marsh. Ins. B. 1, c. 12, s. 7 4Mass. 548; 6 Mass. 125; 8 Mass. 467; 1 Caines' R. 196; 4 Dall. 459; 2 Binn.547 4 Binn. 513; 2 Serg. & Rawle, 237, in note; 2 Serg. & Rawle, 229 3Johns. Cas. 178; 1 Caines' R. 43; 2 Caines' R. 263; Id. 274; 8 Johns. R.237, 2d edit 9 Johns. R. 9; 11 Johns. R 315 1 Caines' R. 573; 7 Johns R.412; Wesk. Ins. tit. Average; 2 Barn. & Crest. 811 1 Rob. Adlm. Rep. 293; 2New Rep. 378 18 Ves. 187; Lex. Mer. Armer. ch. 9; Bac Abr. Merchant, F; Vin.Abr. Contribution and' Average; Stev. on Av.; Ben. on Av.



An arithmetic mean return of selected stocks intended to represent the behavior of the market or some component of it. One good example is the widely quoted Dow Jones Industrial Average, which adds the current prices of the 30 DJIA stocks, and divides the results by a predetermined number, the divisor.

Average (across-day) measures

An estimation of price that uses the average or representative price of a large number of trades.


A simple way to calculate the relative price of an index of stocks that involves adding the prices of all the stocks in the index and dividing by the total number of stocks. Market averages may be weighted, for example, for price or market capitalization. Movements in the market average of an index are considered a way to observe trends in the health of the companies represented in it. Some market averages are taken as an indicator of health in the broader economy; prominent examples of this include the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 indices.


See averages.


A stock market average is a mathematical way of reporting the composite change in prices of the stocks that the average includes.

Each average is designed to reflect the general movement of the broad market or a certain segment of the market and often serves as a benchmark for the performance of individual stocks in its sphere.

A true average adds the prices of the stocks it covers and divides that amount by the number of stocks.

However, many averages are weighted, which usually means they count stocks with the largest market capitalizations more heavily than they do others. Weighting reflects the impact that the stocks of the biggest companies have on the markets and on the economy in general.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), which tracks the performance of 30 large-company stocks, is the most widely followed market average in the United States.



Related to average: standard deviation
  • all
  • noun
  • adj
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for average

noun standard


  • standard
  • normal
  • usual
  • par
  • mode
  • mean
  • rule
  • medium
  • norm
  • run of the mill
  • midpoint

adj usual


  • usual
  • common
  • standard
  • general
  • normal
  • regular
  • ordinary
  • typical
  • commonplace
  • unexceptional


  • great
  • bad
  • different
  • special
  • terrible
  • unusual
  • outstanding
  • remarkable
  • awful
  • exceptional
  • memorable
  • notable
  • abnormal

adj mean


  • mean
  • middle
  • medium
  • intermediate
  • median


  • minimum
  • maximum

adj mediocre


  • mediocre
  • fair
  • ordinary
  • moderate
  • pedestrian
  • indifferent
  • not bad
  • middling
  • insignificant
  • so-so
  • banal
  • second-rate
  • middle-of-the-road
  • tolerable
  • run-of-the-mill
  • passable
  • undistinguished
  • uninspired
  • unexceptional
  • bog-standard
  • no great shakes
  • fair to middling

verb make on average


  • make on average
  • be on average
  • even out to
  • do on average
  • balance out to

phrase on average


  • usually
  • generally
  • normally
  • typically
  • for the most part
  • as a rule

Synonyms for average

noun something, as a type, number, quantity, or degree, that represents a midpoint between extremes on a scale of valuation


  • mean
  • median
  • medium
  • norm
  • par

adj of moderately good quality but less than excellent


  • acceptable
  • adequate
  • all right
  • common
  • decent
  • fair
  • fairish
  • goodish
  • moderate
  • passable
  • respectable
  • satisfactory
  • sufficient
  • tolerable
  • OK
  • tidy

adj commonly encountered


  • common
  • commonplace
  • general
  • normal
  • ordinary
  • typical
  • usual

adj being of no special quality or type


  • common
  • commonplace
  • cut-and-dried
  • formulaic
  • garden
  • garden-variety
  • indifferent
  • mediocre
  • ordinary
  • plain
  • routine
  • run-of-the-mill
  • standard
  • stock
  • undistinguished
  • unexceptional
  • unremarkable

Synonyms for average

noun a statistic describing the location of a distribution


  • norm

Related Words

  • statistics
  • statistic
  • age norm
  • modal value
  • mode
  • median
  • median value
  • mean
  • mean value

noun (sports) the ratio of successful performances to opportunities

Related Words

  • athletics
  • sport
  • batting average
  • hitting average
  • fielding average
  • ratio

noun an intermediate scale value regarded as normal or usual

Related Words

  • scale value

verb amount to or come to an average, without loss or gain


  • average out

Related Words

  • number
  • total
  • amount
  • add up
  • come

verb achieve or reach on average

Related Words

  • achieve
  • attain
  • accomplish
  • reach

verb compute the average of


  • average out

Related Words

  • arithmetic
  • compute
  • calculate
  • cipher
  • cypher
  • figure
  • reckon
  • work out

adj approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value


  • mean

Related Words

  • statistics
  • normal

adj lacking special distinction, rank, or status


  • ordinary

Related Words

  • common

adj lacking exceptional quality or ability


  • middling
  • mediocre
  • fair

Related Words

  • ordinary

adj around the middle of a scale of evaluation


  • medium
  • intermediate

Related Words

  • moderate

adj relating to or constituting the most frequent value in a distribution


  • modal

Related Words

  • statistics
  • normal

adj relating to or constituting the middle value of an ordered set of values (or the average of the middle two in a set with an even number of values)


  • median

Related Words

  • statistics
  • normal




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