Human choriogonadotropic hormone A dimeric glycoprotein hormone synthesized and secreted by the placenta composed of a 92 amino acid α subunit similar to pituitary hormones–TSH, FSH and LH, and a unique 145 amino acid β-subunit linked to lactose and hexosamine that is produced by the syncytiotrophoblast; the β subunit is an early marker for pregnancy; in the fetal liver and kidney, and certain tumors; hCG is released in a pulsatile fashion in normal pregnancy, peaks at the 10th gestational wk with serum levels of 50-140 000 IU/L, later falling to 10-50 000 IU/L2; hCG may be low to undetectable in ectopic pregnancy or ↑↑ ↑ in multiple gestation, polyhydramnios, eclampsia, erythroblastosis fetalis or trophoblastic disease–eg, hydatidiform mole, choriocarcinoma and placental site trophoblastic tumor; hCG levels may be ↑↑↑ in tumors producing either the β subunit or both α & β subunits, measured by ELISA or RIAhCG
HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin)
a HORMONE secreted by the TROPHOBLAST of the developing foetal tissues. It maintains the CORPUS LUTEUM during the first three to four months in pregnancy, thus ensuring a supply of PROGESTERONE for maintaining the uterus lining and preventing MENSTRUATION. HCG begins to be secreted as soon as the trophoblast implants in the uterine wall and it is at its highest concentration between the 7th and 10th weeks of pregnancy. The urine of women in the first month of pregnancy contains enough HCG for this to be easily detected by chemical means (the ‘pregnancy test’). After reaching its peak, HCG falls to low concentrations and its only known function is to stimulate the production of TESTOSTERONE by the testes of the male foetus. HCG has almost the same combined properties as LH and LUTEOTROPIC HORMONES.Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
Patient discussion about hCG
Q. Does a slow rise in HCG hormone during pregnancy a condition to worry? My wife is in second trimester of pregnancy and had a HCG test, which shows fewer levels as compared to previous results. Does a slow rise in HCG hormone during pregnancy a condition to worry?