

单词 cbm


Certified Ballast Manufacturers Association

An independent organization of fluorescent lamp ballast manufacturers.


CBMCommodore Business Machines
CBMCurriculum Based Measurement (education)
CBMComic Book Movie (film)
CBMCoalbed Methane
CBMCondition Based Maintenance
CBMChristoffel Blindenmission
CBMCell Broadcast Message
CBMComponent Business Model
CBMCompiled Bit Map
CBMCubic Meter
CBMConstraint-Based Modeling
CBMConfidence-Building Measures
CBMChristian Blind Mission
CBMClub Blaues Meer (German: Blue Sea Club; travel)
CBMCommonwealth Business Media (East Windsor, NJ)
CBMCorredor Biológico Mesoamericano (Spanish: Mesoamerican Biological Corridor; Managua, Nicaragua)
CBMCertified Broadcast Meteorologist (American Meteorological Society)
CBMCovered by Medicare
CBMCentral Bank of Montenegro
CBMCertified Business Manager (APBM)
CBMCommercial Building Materials (Ypsilanti, MI)
CBMCapacity Benefit Margin
CBMCore and Billing Manager (Nortel Networks)
CBMCommon Berthing Mechanism
CBMCross-Border Merger
CBMCurrent Bibliographies in Medicine
CBMCollege of Business Management (Karachi, Pakistan)
CBMChristoffel Blinden Mission
CBMConcerned Black Men (Washington, DC and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
CBMComputers for Business Management
CBMChief Botswain's Mate (rank; US Navy)
CBMCarbon-Based Material
CBMCommunity-Based Mentoring (various organizations)
CBMCryopreservation of Bone Marrow
CBMCommunity Board Member (Illinois Primary Health Care Association)
CBMCompressed Baryonic Matter (physics)
CBMCentral Bank of Malta
CBMCommunity Beat Manager (UK police)
CBMCosmic Microwave Background
CBMComputers in Biology and Medicine (journal)
CBMCentre de Biophysique Moléculaire (French: Center for Molecular Biophysics; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Orleans, France)
CBMCommemorative Bucks of Michigan (Howell, MI)
CBMCenter Body Mass (shooting)
CBMCognitive-Behavior Modification
CBMConventional Buoy Mooring
CBMChristadelphian Bible Mission
CBMCitizens for Better Medicare
CBMCenter for Behavioral Medicine (Kansas City, MO)
CBMCommunity Banking Month
CBMCenter Back Mount
CBMChurch of Body Modification
CBMCommercial Bank of Malawi
CBMCahiers de Biologie Marine (French: Marine Biology Books; Station Biologique de Roscoff)
CBMChoke Bridge Module (oil industry)
CBMConsultative Business Movement (South Africa)
CBMCosmo Bulgaria Mobile
CBMCommand and Battlespace Management (UK)
CBMCondition-Based Management
CBMCentral Bank Money
CBMCentre Bretagne Motoculture (French: Central Brittany Garden Equipment; Pace, France)
CBMCuerpo de Bomberos Municipales (Guatemalan Fire Department)
CBMColumbus AFB United States (airport code)
CBMCentralized Barracks Management
CBMClient Business Manager
CBMConventional Ballistic Missile
CBMChemical Biological Munitions
CBMComponent Based Model
CBMConstruction Bill of Material
CBMCar et Bus Maintenance (French: Car and Bus Maintenance; Le Mans, France)
CBMCentre Béarn Motoculture (French: Beam Mechanized Farming Center; Serres-Castet, France)
CBMCommon Buffer Manager
CBMCurrent Best Method
CBMCement Bound Granular Material
CBMCompagnie des Bois et Meubles (French: Wood and Furniture Company; Paris, France)
CBMCentral Battle Management
CBMCaisserie Bois Matériaux (French: Wooden Crates Materials; Saint-Remy-Chaussée, France)
CBMCentre for Bibliographic Management (UK)
CBMChemical, Biological, and Medical
CBMChannel Borrowing Mechanism
CBMClub Bouliste Monégasque (French: Monaco Bowling Club; Monte Carlo, Monaco)
CBMCircuit Breaker Manufacturer
CBMConditioning Based Monitoring
CBMCorpo Bandistico Malcesine
CBMContracts Business Management
CBMClube de Canoagem Baia do Mar
CBMCubic Board Meter (lumber/timber)
CBMComponent-Based Method (software sizing method)
CBMCantilever Beam Mirror
CBMCoiffure Beauté Manucure (French: Hairdressing Beauty Manicures; Neuilly-sur-Seine, France)
CBMCapacitive Beam Monitor
CBMCar et Bus Le Mans (French: Car and Bus Le Mans; now Car et Bus Maintenance; Le Mans, France)
CBMCompression-Based Distance Measure
CBMCalifornia Business Minute
CBMCedar Bay Marina (Florida)
CBMCustomer Behaviour Model
CBMContinuous Bar Mill
CBMClub de Badminton de Menton (Menton, France)
CBMCrippled Blood Mongrels (clan)
CBMCuisines Bains Ménagers (French: Kitchen Bath Housewares; Cran-Gevrier, France)
CBMChristian Bonneau Maçonnerie (French: Christian Bonneau Masonry; La Crèche, France)
CBMCabinet Bergeron et Marilly (French business training company)
CBMCal Bombay Ministries Inc.




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