

单词 cbi



abbr. computer-based instruction


abbreviation for (Commerce) Confederation of British Industry



(ir?i-ga'shon) [L. irrigatio, watering] The cleansing of a canal or cavity by flushing with water or other fluids; the washing of a wound. The solutions used for cleansing should be sterile and, for comfort, have an approximate temperature slightly warmer than body temperature (100° to 115°F [37.8° to 46.1°C]). When irrigation is performed for bleeding, cold or iced irrigant may be used. Synonym: lavage See: gastric lavage

bladder irrigation

Washing out the bladder to treat inflammation or infection or to keep a urinary catheter flowing. The irrigation may be intermittent or continuous. Normal saline is commonly used.

Patient care

The necessary sterile equipment and the prescribed irrigant are assembled. The patient is covered with draping to preserve privacy and maintain antisepsis, and provided with information about how the procedure is done and what sensations will be experienced. A triple-lumen indwelling catheter is inserted into the urinary bladder via the urethra; placement is confirmed by the flow of urine, and the anchoring balloon inflated via its lumen. The prescribed volume of irrigant is instilled via the irrigation lumen; the catheter is clamped to allow the solution to remain in the bladder for the prescribed period of time; then the catheter is unclamped to allow the irrigant to flow out of the bladder via the drainage lumen by gravity into a collecting basin or closed drainage system. The irrigation is repeated the prescribed number of times. The character of the irrigation solution returned and the presence of any mucus, blood, or other material visible in the drainage is noted. The catheter is removed as per practitioner order. The time of the procedure, the type and volume of irrigant instilled, the type and volume of return, and the patient's response to the procedure are documented. If intermittent or continuous bladder irrigation is required, the catheter remains in place. Two large bags of irrigating fluid on a Y tubing are hung for continuous irrigation, with flow-rate controlled to maintain clear drainage. Urine output is determined by subtracting the amount of irrigant instilled from the total drainage obtained.


Patients who receive high volumes of dilute fluids may absorb these irrigants and develop fluid overload or hyponatremia. To ensure patient safety, careful measurement of inputs and outputs and regular assessments of electrolytes, BUN, Cr, and oxygenation should be performed.

colonic irrigation

Flushing of the colon with water; an enema. Synonym: colonic lavage

continuous bladder irrigation

Abbreviation: CBI
A constant flow of normal saline (or other bladder irrigant) through a three-way urinary catheter to keep the catheter patent. It is typically used postoperatively following a transurethral resection of the prostate gland.

Patient care

During CBI the volume of fluid infused and the volume returned is monitored and recorded.

high-pressure irrigation

Irrigation of a wound with sterile fluid at a pressure of 7.0 pounds per sq. inch.

joint irrigation

The flushing of a joint space with fluids to remove particles such as crystals or fragments of bone or cartilage. It may be used as a treatment for osteoarthritic joint pain.

low-pressure irrigation

Irrigation of a wound with sterile fluid at a pressure of 0.5 pounds per sq. inch.

nasal irrigation

Nasal lavage.

oral irrigation

Flushing of the mouth, teeth, and gums with fluids. This is done to remove plaque and to treat or prevent periodontal disease.

whole bowel irrigation

The administration of large volumes of a nonabsorbable fluid to remove potentially hazardous contents from the gastrointestinal tract. It is used to prepare some patients for bowel surgery and to decontaminate the gut after overdose.

continuous bladder irrigation

Abbreviation: CBI
A constant flow of normal saline (or other bladder irrigant) through a three-way urinary catheter to keep the catheter patent. It is typically used postoperatively following a transurethral resection of the prostate gland.

Patient care

During CBI the volume of fluid infused and the volume returned is monitored and recorded.

See also: irrigation
FinancialSeeConfederation of British Industry


CBIChina-Burma-India (Theater; WWII)
CBICentral Bureau of Investigation (India)
CBIConfederation of British Industry
CBIConfidential Business Information
CBICentral Bank of Iraq
CBIComputer Based Instruction
CBIColorado Bureau of Investigation
CBICenter for Bioinformatics (various locations)
CBIChatham Bars Inn (Chatham, MA)
CBIChina Book International
CBICaribbean Basin Initiative
CBICircuit Board Indicator
CBIConservation Biology Institute (Corvallis, OR)
CBICertified Business Intermediary
CBICongregation Beth Israel (Judaism; various locations)
CBIChiquita Brands International, Inc. (Cincinatti, OH)
CBICountry Brand Index (marketing study)
CBIConvention on Biodiversity
CBICenter for Business Intelligence (Woburn, MA)
CBICentral Bank of India
CBICenter for Business Innovation (various locations)
CBIChandler Burning Index (fire danger)
CBICareer Based Intervention (various organizations)
CBIContent-Based Instruction
CBICommunity Based Instruction
CBICosmic Background Imager
CBICharles Babbage Institute (University of Minnesota)
CBICommerce Bancorp, Inc. (Cherry Hill, NJ)
CBIChemistry/Biology Interface (various organizations)
CBICouncil for Biotechnology Information (Washington, DC)
CBICommission Baleinière Internationale (French: International Whaling Commission; est. 1946)
CBICentral Bank of Iran
CBIChicago Bridge and Iron
CBIChem-Bio Informatics Society (various locations)
CBICentral Bancshares, Inc. (holding company; Muscatine, IA)
CBICross-Border Initiative
CBICenter for Business and Industry
CBICorporate Business Intelligence
CBICollegiate Broadcasters, Inc.
CBICentral Bureau of Intelligence
CBICollaborative Business Initiative (various companies)
CBICreative Business Idea
CBICritical Business Issue
CBICell Biology Immunology
CBIContinuous Bladder Irrigation
CBICentral Bank of Ireland
CBIContingent Business Interruption (insurance)
CBICountry Business Inc. (est. 1976; business broker)
CBICommunity Building Initiatives (various organizations)
CBICenter for Biological Informatics
CBICoordinated Border Infrastructure
CBICabinet Bedin Immobilier (French: Cabinet Bedin Real Estate; Bordeaux, France)
CBICanadian Back Institute
CBICement och Betong Institutet (Cement and Concrete Research Institute, Sweden)
CBICumulative Book Index
CBICriminal Bureau of Investigation (India)
CBIComposite Burn Index
CBICrédit-Bail Immobilier (French: Leasing Property)
CBICross-Boundary Innovation Program (Osaka University, Japan)
CBIComputer Based Interlocking (railway signaling interlocking system using microprocessors)
CBICheney Brothers, Inc (Riviera Beach, Florida)
CBIChesapeake Bay Institute (Johns Hopkins University)
CBICyber Musical Instruments
CBICentral Bible Institute
CBICôte Basque Immobilière (French: Basque Coast Realty; Bayonne, France)
CBICredit Bureau Information
CBICollege Bowl, Incorporated
CBICompliance Biomonitoring Inspection
CBICompensation and Benefits Instructions (Canada)
CBICertified Bridge Inspector (Florida, USA)
CBIConfusion Beyond Imagination
CBIContingency Base Infrastructure (US Army)
CBICaregiver's Burden Inventory
CBIConfidence Building Initiative (Macedonia)
CBIComplete Background Investigation
CBIChange in Business Inventories
CBICharacter-Based Interface
CBICoffee Brewing Institute
CBIConstructions Bois Industrielles (French: Industrial Wood Construction; Pia, France)
CBICoordination Bruxelloise d'Institutions Sociales et de Santé (French: Brussels Coordination of Social and Health Institutions; Brussels, Belgium)
CBICentre de Bilan Indépendant (French: Center for Independent Review; various locations)
CBIChiquita Brands, Inc.
CBICleared Before Isolation
CBICommunity Boating Incorporated
CBICross-Bar Interface
CBICritical Behavior Interviewing (technique)
CBIClosed Brain Injury
CBIChemical/Biological Information
CBICritical Behaviour Inventory (ocupational safety)
CBICMM Based Insight
CBICompound Batch Identification
CBICircuit Bundling Initiative
CBICoordinatie Van Brusselse Instellingen
CBICapital Budget Item
CBICanadian-Born Indian
CBIConsommables Bureautiques Informatiques (French: Computer Supplies Office Equipment; Bordeaux, France)
CBICharitable and Benevolent Institution
CBICercle Bouliste d'Illzach (French sports club)
CBIClean Burning Initiator
CBICours Biblique International (French: International Bible Courses)
CBICustomer Business Issue




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