Brimley State Park

Brimley State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Michigan
Location:I-75, Exit 386, west to M-28; turn right at intersection of M-28 and M-221 and go 2 miles to 6-Mile Road.
Facilities:237 modern campsites, picnic area and shelter, beach house, boat launch, playground.
Activities:Camping, fishing, swimming, hiking, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Located on Lake Superior's Whitefish Bay, Park is a short drive fromTahquamenon Falls, the Hiawatha National Forest, the Tower of History,the Soo Locks, and a number of other area attractions.
Address:9200 W 6-Mile Rd
Brimley, MI 49715

Size: 160 acres.

See other parks in Michigan.