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DictionarySeeherniationcaudal transtentorial herniation
herniation [her″ne-a´shun] abnormal protrusion of an organ or other body structure through a defect or natural opening in a covering membrane, muscle, or bone. (See also hernia.) Herniation syndromes. From Ignatavicius and Workman, 2002.caudal transtentorial herniation transtentorial herniation.central herniation a downward shift of the brainstem and the diencephalon due to a supratentorial lesion, causing Cheyne-Stokes respirations with pinpoint nonreactive pupils.cingulate herniation a shift of the cingulate gyrus to below the falx cerebri.disk herniation (herniation of intervertebral disk) (herniation of nucleus pulposus) herniated disk.tentorial herniation transtentorial herniation.tonsillar herniation protrusion of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum.transtentorial herniation downward displacement of medial brain structures through the tentorial notch by a supratentorial mass, exerting pressure on the underlying structures, including the brainstem; this is a life-threatening situation because of pressure on the third cranial nerve, with symptoms including dilated, nonreactive pupils, ptosis, and a decreased level of consciousness. Called also caudal transtentorial herniation, tentorial herniation, and uncal herniation.uncal herniation transtentorial herniation.cau·dal trans·ten·to·ri·al her·ni·a·tiondisplacement of medial temporal structures through the incisura, with or without rostrocaudal brainstem shift. Synonym(s): uncal herniation |