DBDDead by Daylight (game)
DBDDemam Berdarah Dengue (Indonesian: Scarlet Fever)
DBDDatabase Driver
DBDDNA binding Domain (nuclear receptors)
DBDDepartment of Business Development
DBDDefective by Design (campaign; Free Software Foundation)
DBDDatabase Design
DBDDeutsche Breitband Dienste (German: German Broadband Services)
DBDDielectric Barrier Discharge
DBDDrive by Downloads
DBDDisable Block Descriptor
DBDDouble Byte Error Detection
DBDData Base Design
DBDData Base Definition
DBDData Base Diagram
DBDData Base Driver
DBDDead Band
DBDData Base Description
DBDDatabase Description
DBDDiamond Book Distributors (Timonium, MD)
DBDDeath Before Dishonor (gaming clan)
DBDDecibels (dipole antenna)
DBDDelta Beauté Distribution (French: Delta Beauty Distribution)
DBDDemokratische Bauernpartei Deutschlands (Democratic Farmer's Party of East Germany)
DBDDementia Behavior Disturbance
DBDDisruptive Behavior Disorder
DBDDefinite Brain Damage (diagnosis)
DBDDeath before Disco (gaming clan)
DBDDatabase Dictionary (file extension)
DBDDeath by Degrees (game)
DBDDuke Blue Devils (aka the BDs)
DBDDancing By Definition (square dancing)
DBDDeath by Dualshock (gaming clan)
DBDDead Beat Dad (father in arrears of child support)
DBDDesign Basis Document
DBDDeath by Dismemberment (gaming)
DBDDays Between Dates
DBDDebrancher Enzyme Deficiency
DBDDon't Be Dumb
DBDDays before Digital
DBDDelicious Bookmark Discovery (iPad application)
DBDDepression/Bipolar Disorder
DBDDiagnose Before Dispatch
DBDDistributed Block Device (Posix Systems)
DBDDegenerative Bone Disease
DBDDeadbox before Dishonor (paintball group)
DBDDetailed Budget Decision
DBDDISA Budget Decision
DBDDon't Be Dissin'
DBDDeath before Disloyalty
DBDDirector for Business Development
DBDDinner Business Decline (Olive Garden Italian Restaurant)
DBDDeath before Dismount (gaming)