释义 |
andro-(word root) man, masculineExamples of words with the root andro-: androgenandro- or andr-pref.1. Male; masculine: androgen.2. Stamen or anther: androecium. [Greek, from anēr, andr-, man; see ner- in Indo-European roots.]andro- or before a vowel andr-combining form1. male; masculine: androsterone. 2. (Botany) (in botany) stamen or anther: androecium. [from Greek anēr (genitive andros) man]andro- , a combining form meaning “male,” “male part or organ”: androgen. Also, andr-.[< Greek andr-, s. of anḗr man + -o- -o-]andro-
andro- (an'drō), Distinguish this combining form from anthropo-.Masculine. [G. anēr, andros, a male human being] andro- Prefix meaning masculine. [G. anēr, andros, a male human being]andro- Combining form denoting man-like, male, pertaining to man in the sense of a male person.andro- prefix denoting male. |