释义 |
ca·taph·o·ra C0155150 (kə-tăf′ər-ə)n. The use of a linguistic unit, such as a pronoun, to refer ahead to another unit, for example, the use of him to refer to John in the sentence Near him, John saw a snake. [cata- + (ana)phora.] cat′a·phor′ic (kăt′ə-fôr′ĭk) adj.cataphora (kəˈtæfərə) n (Grammar) grammar the use of a word such as a pronoun that has the same reference as a word used subsequently in the same discourse. Compare anaphora[from cata- + Greek pherein to bear] cataphoric adjca•taph•o•ra (kəˈtæf ər ə) n. the use of a word or phrase to refer to a following word or group of words, as the use of the phrase as follows. Compare anaphora (def. 1) (cata- + (ana) phora] cat•a•phor•ic (ˌkæt əˈfɔr ɪk, -ˈfɒr-) adj. Translationscataphora
cataphora A term that has been retired from the working medical parlance, defined as a clouded or semicomatose mental state punctuated by periods of partial consciousness.ca·taph·o·ra (kă-taf'ŏr-ă) Semicoma or somnolence interrupted by intervals of partial consciousness. [G. a falling down] |