Braxton Hicks contraction

Brax·ton Hicks con·trac·tion

(braks'tŏn hiks), Do not hyphenate Braxton Hicks.Irregular myometrial activity occurring during the later course of a pregnancy that usually causes the patient little or no pain. Compare: false pains, false labor.

Braxton Hicks contraction

Any of the painless irregular uterine contractions which begin after the 3rd month of pregnancy.

Braxton Hicks contraction

Obstetrics Any of the painless irregular uterine contractions that begin after the 3rd month of pregnancy

Braxton Hicks,

John, English gynecologist, 1825-1897. Braxton Hicks contraction - rhythmic myometrial activity, occurring during the course of a pregnancy, which causes no pain for the patient.Braxton Hicks sign - irregular uterine contractions occurring after the third month of pregnancy.Braxton Hicks version - obsolete term for internal version of the fetus, substituting the breech for the head as the leading pole.