

单词 cast



a group of actors: the cast for the play was chosen; mold or pattern; a tinge; to throw forcefully: cast the first stone
Not to be confused with:caste – a class of society; a social status or system: a caste society


C0146500 (kăst)v. cast, cast·ing, casts v.tr.1. a. To throw (something, especially something light): The boy cast stones in the water.b. To throw with force; hurl: waves that cast driftwood far up on the shore. See Synonyms at throw.c. To throw or propel a lure or bait at the end of (a fishing line) into the water so as to catch fish or other aquatic life.d. To throw (a net), as in fishing; cause to spread out.e. To throw on the ground, as in wrestling.f. To let fall; drop: cast anchor.g. To roll or throw (dice, for example).h. To draw (lots).2. To shed; molt: The snake cast its skin.3. To deposit or indicate (a ballot or vote).4. To turn or direct: All eyes were cast upon the speaker.5. a. To cause to fall onto or over something or in a certain direction: candles casting light; trees casting shadows.b. To assert in relation to someone or something or cause to be associated: Don't let him cast aspersions on your character. The results cast doubt on our hypothesis.6. To give birth to prematurely: The cow cast a calf.7. To cause (hunting hounds) to scatter and circle in search of a lost scent.8. a. To choose actors for (a play, for example).b. To assign a certain role to (an actor): cast her as the lead.c. To assign an actor to (a part): cast each role carefully.9. a. To form (liquid metal, for example) into a particular shape by pouring into a mold.b. To make (an object) by casting liquid metal.10. To arrange or devise: cast the book in three parts; cast a plan.11. To calculate or compute; add up (a column of figures).12. To calculate astrologically: cast my horoscope.13. To warp; twist: floorboards cast by age.14. Nautical To turn (a ship); change to the opposite tack.v.intr.1. To throw something, especially to throw out a lure or bait at the end of a fishing line.2. To add a column of figures; make calculations.3. To receive form or shape in a mold: a material that casts well.4. To become warped.5. To search for a lost scent in hunting with hounds.6. Nautical a. To veer to leeward from a former course; fall off.b. To put about; tack.7. To choose actors for the parts in a play, movie, or other theatrical presentation.n.1. a. The act or an instance of casting or throwing.b. The act or an instance of throwing a fishing line or net into the water.c. The line or net thrown.d. The distance covered by a throw.e. A throw of dice.f. The number on dice facing up when thrown.2. A stroke of fortune or fate; a lot.3. a. Something, such as molted skin, that is thrown off, out, or away.b. A piece of excrement produced by an earthworm.4. a. A direction or expression of the eyes.b. A slight squint.5. The addition of a column of figures; calculation.6. A conjecture; a forecast.7. a. The act of pouring molten material into a mold.b. The amount of molten material poured into a mold at a single operation.c. Something formed by this means or in a mold or matrix: The sculpture was a bronze cast. They made a cast of her face.8. A rigid dressing, usually made of gauze and plaster of Paris, used to immobilize an injured body part, as in a fracture or dislocation. Also called plaster cast.9. The form in which something is made or constructed; arrangement: the close-set cast of her features.10. Outward form or look; appearance: a suit of stylish cast.11. Sort; type: fancied himself to be of a macho cast.12. An inclination; tendency: her thoughtful cast of mind.13. The actors in a play, movie, or other theatrical presentation.14. A slight trace of color; a tinge.15. A distortion of shape.16. The circling of hounds to pick up a scent in hunting.17. A pair of hawks released by a falconer at one time.Phrasal Verbs: cast about (or around)1. To make a search; look: had to cast about for an hour, looking for a good campsite.2. To devise means; contrive. cast off1. To discard; reject: cast off old clothing.2. To let go; set loose: cast off a boat; cast off a line.3. To make the last row of stitches in knitting.4. Printing To estimate the space a manuscript will occupy when set into type. cast on To make the first row of stitches in knitting. cast out To drive out by force; expel.Idiom: cast (one's) lot with To join or side with for better or worse.
[Middle English casten, from Old Norse kasta.]


(kɑːst) vb (mainly tr) , casts, casting or cast1. to throw or expel with violence or force2. to throw off or away: she cast her clothes to the ground. 3. to reject or dismiss: he cast the idea from his mind. 4. to shed or drop: the snake cast its skin; the horse cast a shoe; the ship cast anchor. 5. be cast NZ (of a sheep) to have fallen and been unable to rise6. to cause to appear: to cast a shadow. 7. to express (doubts, suspicions, etc) or cause (them) to be felt8. to direct (a glance, attention, etc): cast your eye over this. 9. to place, esp in a violent manner: he was cast into prison. 10. (Angling) (also intr) angling to throw (a line) into the water11. to draw or choose (lots)12. to give or deposit (a vote)13. (Theatre) to select (actors) to play parts in (a play, film, etc)14. (Film) to select (actors) to play parts in (a play, film, etc)15. (Metallurgy) a. to shape (molten metal, glass, etc) by pouring or pressing it into a mouldb. to make (an object) by such a process16. (Crafts) a. to shape (molten metal, glass, etc) by pouring or pressing it into a mouldb. to make (an object) by such a process17. (Mathematics) (often foll by: up) to compute (figures or a total)18. to predict: the old woman cast my fortune. 19. (Astrology) astrology to draw on (a horoscope) details concerning the positions of the planets in the signs of the zodiac at a particular time for interpretation in terms of human characteristics, behaviour, etc20. to contrive (esp in the phrase cast a spell)21. to formulate: he cast his work in the form of a chart. 22. (also intr) to twist or cause to twist23. (Nautical Terms) (also intr) nautical to turn the head of (a sailing vessel) or (of a sailing vessel) to be turned away from the wind in getting under way24. (Hunting) hunting to direct (a pack of hounds) over (ground) where their quarry may recently have passed25. (Zoology) (intr) (of birds of prey) to eject from the crop and bill a pellet consisting of the indigestible parts of birds or animals previously eaten26. (Falconry) falconry to hold the body of a hawk between the hands so as to perform some operation upon it27. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing to stereotype or electrotype28. cast in one's lot with throw in one's lot with to share in the activities or fortunes of (someone else)n29. the act of casting or throwing30. a. Also called: casting something that is shed, dropped, or egested, such as the coil of earth left by an earthwormb. another name for pellet431. an object that is thrown32. the distance an object is or may be thrown33. (Games, other than specified) a. a throw at diceb. the resulting number shown34. (Angling) angling a. a trace with a fly or flies attachedb. the act or an instance of casting35. the wide sweep made by a sheepdog to get behind a flock of sheep or by a hunting dog in search of a scent36. (Theatre) a. the actors in a play collectivelyb. (as modifier): a cast list. 37. (Metallurgy) a. an object made of metal, glass, etc, that has been shaped in a molten state by being poured or pressed into a mouldb. the mould used to shape such an object38. (Crafts) a. an object made of metal, glass, etc, that has been shaped in a molten state by being poured or pressed into a mouldb. the mould used to shape such an object39. form or appearance40. sort, kind, or style41. (Medicine) a fixed twist or defect, esp in the eye42. a distortion of shape43. (Surgery) surgery a rigid encircling casing, often made of plaster of Paris, for immobilizing broken bones while they heal44. (Pathology) pathol a mass of fatty, waxy, cellular, or other material formed in a diseased body cavity, passage, etc45. (Hunting) the act of casting a pack of hounds46. (Falconry) falconry a pair of falcons working in combination to pursue the same quarry47. (Archery) archery the speed imparted to an arrow by a particular bow48. a slight tinge or trace, as of colour49. (Mathematics) a computation or calculation50. a forecast or conjecture51. fortune or a stroke of fate52. (Palaeontology) palaeontol a replica of an organic object made of nonorganic material, esp a lump of sediment that indicates the internal or external surface of a shell or skeleton53. (Palaeontology) palaeontol a sedimentary structure representing the infilling of a mark or depression in a soft layer of sediment (or bed)[C13: from Old Norse kasta]


(kæst, kɑst)

v. cast, cast•ing,
n. v.t. 1. to throw or hurl; fling: to cast dice; to cast aside the newspaper. 2. to direct (the eye, a glance, etc.). 3. to cause to fall; put or send forth: to cast a soft light; to cast a spell; to cast doubts. 4. to draw (lots), as in telling fortunes. 5. to throw out (a fishing line, a net, bait, etc.). 6. to shed or drop: The snake cast its skin. 7. (of an animal) to bring forth (young), esp. abortively. 8. to send off (a swarm), as bees do. 9. to set aside; reject; dismiss: She cast the problem from her mind. 10. to throw up (earth, sod, etc.), as with a shovel. 11. to put or place, esp. forcibly: to cast someone in prison. 12. to deposit or give (a ballot or vote). 13. to bestow; confer: to cast blessings. 14. to form or arrange; plan out: He cast his remarks to fit the occasion. 15. a. to select actors for (a play, motion picture, etc.). b. to assign a role to (an actor). 16. to form (an object) by pouring metal, plaster, etc., into a mold and letting it harden. 17. to form (metal, plaster, etc.) by this process. 18. to compute, as a column of figures. 19. to calculate (a horoscope). 20. to turn or twist; warp. 21. to turn the head of (a ship), esp. away from the wind in getting under way. v.i. 22. to throw. 23. to receive form in a mold. 24. to calculate or add. 25. to conjecture; forecast. 26. (of hounds) to search an area for scent. 27. to warp, as timber. 28. (of a ship) to turn, esp. to get the head away from the wind; tack. 29. to select the actors for a play, motion picture, or the like. 30. Obs. a. to consider. b. to plan or scheme. 31. cast about or around, a. to search; seek. b. to devise a plan; scheme. 32. cast down, to lower; humble. 33. cast off, a. to discard; reject. b. to let go or let loose, as a ship from a mooring. c. to estimate the space a typeset manuscript will occupy. d. to complete a knitted fabric by looping over (the final stitches); bind off. 34. cast on, (in knitting) to set (yarn) on a needle in order to form the initial stitches. 35. cast out, to force to leave; expel; banish. n. 36. the act of throwing. 37. that which is thrown. 38. the distance to which a thing may be thrown. 39. a. a throw of dice. b. the number rolled. 40. the act of throwing a fishing line or net onto the water. 41. the group of performers in a play, motion picture, etc.; players. 42. a searching of an area by hounds for a scent. 43. a stroke of fortune; lot. 44. the form in which something is made or written; arrangement. 45. a. the act of founding. b. the quantity of metal cast at one time. 46. something made in a mold; casting. 47. an impression or mold: the cast of a fossil. 48. a rigid surgical dressing, usu. made of bandage treated with plaster of Paris. 49. outward form; appearance: of a sinister cast. 50. sort; kind; style: a hero of the cast of Don Quixote. 51. tendency; inclination: minds of a philosophical cast. 52. a permanent twist or turn: to have a cast in one's eye. 53. a warp. 54. a slight tinge of some color; hue; shade: a yellowish cast. 55. a dash or trace. 56. a computation; calculation. 57. a conjecture or forecast. 58. something that is shed, ejected, or cast off or out, as molted skin, feathers, food from a bird's crop, or the coil of sand and waste passed by certain earthworms. 59. pellet (def. 6). 60. effused plastic matter produced in the hollow parts of various diseased organs. [1175–1225; Middle English < Old Norse kasta to throw]


 the things or quantity created or produced at one time; a group of actors in play; a set or suit of armour; a couple of birds. See also brace, brood, set.


If you cast a glance in a particular direction, you glance in that direction.

Carmody casts an uneasy glance at Howard.Out came Napoleon, casting haughty glances from side to side.

Be Careful!
The verb cast has several other meanings. Note that for all its meanings its past tense and past participle is cast, not 'casted'.

He cast a quick glance at his friend.He cast his mind back over the day.He had cast doubt on our traditional beliefs.Will had cast his vote for the President.


Past participle: cast
Gerund: casting
I cast
you cast
he/she/it casts
we cast
you cast
they cast
I cast
you cast
he/she/it cast
we cast
you cast
they cast
Present Continuous
I am casting
you are casting
he/she/it is casting
we are casting
you are casting
they are casting
Present Perfect
I have cast
you have cast
he/she/it has cast
we have cast
you have cast
they have cast
Past Continuous
I was casting
you were casting
he/she/it was casting
we were casting
you were casting
they were casting
Past Perfect
I had cast
you had cast
he/she/it had cast
we had cast
you had cast
they had cast
I will cast
you will cast
he/she/it will cast
we will cast
you will cast
they will cast
Future Perfect
I will have cast
you will have cast
he/she/it will have cast
we will have cast
you will have cast
they will have cast
Future Continuous
I will be casting
you will be casting
he/she/it will be casting
we will be casting
you will be casting
they will be casting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been casting
you have been casting
he/she/it has been casting
we have been casting
you have been casting
they have been casting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been casting
you will have been casting
he/she/it will have been casting
we will have been casting
you will have been casting
they will have been casting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been casting
you had been casting
he/she/it had been casting
we had been casting
you had been casting
they had been casting
I would cast
you would cast
he/she/it would cast
we would cast
you would cast
they would cast
Past Conditional
I would have cast
you would have cast
he/she/it would have cast
we would have cast
you would have cast
they would have cast


A figure made from the mold of original model. See cire perdue, plaster cast, sand cast.
Noun1.cast - the actors in a playcast of characters, dramatis personaeassemblage, gathering - a group of persons together in one placetroupe, company - organization of performers and associated personnel (especially theatrical); "the traveling company all stayed at the same hotel"supporting players, ensemble - a cast other than the principals
2.cast - container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardenscast - container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardensmold, mouldcontainer - any object that can be used to hold things (especially a large metal boxlike object of standardized dimensions that can be loaded from one form of transport to another)form - a mold for setting concrete; "they built elaborate forms for pouring the foundation"matrix - mold used in the production of phonograph records, type, or other relief surfacepig bed, pig - mold consisting of a bed of sand in which pig iron is castsandbox - mold consisting of a box with sand shaped to mold metal
3.cast - the distinctive form in which a thing is madecast - the distinctive form in which a thing is made; "pottery of this cast was found throughout the region"mold, stamp, mouldsolid - a three-dimensional shape
4.cast - the visual appearance of something or someone; "the delicate cast of his features"shape, formappearance, visual aspect - outward or visible aspect of a person or thing
5.cast - bandage consisting of a firm covering (often made of plaster of Paris) that immobilizes broken bones while they healcast - bandage consisting of a firm covering (often made of plaster of Paris) that immobilizes broken bones while they healplaster bandage, plaster castbandage, patch - a piece of soft material that covers and protects an injured part of the body
6.cast - object formed by a moldcast - object formed by a mold castingcopy - a thing made to be similar or identical to another thing; "she made a copy of the designer dress"; "the clone was a copy of its ancestor"death mask - a cast taken from the face of a dead personcylinder block, engine block, block - a metal casting containing the cylinders and cooling ducts of an engine; "the engine had to be replaced because the block was cracked"life mask - a cast taken from the face of a living person
7.cast - the act of throwing dicerollcraps - a gambling game played with two dice; a first throw of 7 or 11 wins and a first throw of 2, 3, or 12 loses and a first throw of any other number must be repeated to win before a 7 is thrown, which loses the bet and the dicethrow - casting an object in order to determine an outcome randomly; "he risked his fortune on a throw of the dice"natural - (craps) a first roll of 7 or 11 that immediately wins the stake
8.cast - the act of throwing a fishing line out over the water by means of a rod and reelcastingfishing, sportfishing - the act of someone who fishes as a diversionbait casting - the single-handed rod casting of a relatively heavy (artificial) baitfly casting - casting an artificial fly as a lureovercast - a cast that falls beyond the intended spotsurf casting, surf fishing - casting (artificial) bait far out into the ocean (up to 200 yards) with the waves breaking around you
9.cast - a violent throwcast - a violent throw hurlthrow - the act of throwing (propelling something with a rapid movement of the arm and wrist); "the catcher made a good throw to second base"
Verb1.cast - put or send forth; "She threw the flashlight beam into the corner"; "The setting sun threw long shadows"; "cast a spell"; "cast a warm light"contrive, throw, projectsend, direct - cause to go somewhere; "The explosion sent the car flying in the air"; "She sent her children to camp"; "He directed all his energies into his dissertation"shoot - send forth suddenly, intensely, swiftly; "shoot a glance"
2.cast - deposit; "cast a vote"; "cast a ballot"give - convey or reveal information; "Give one's name"
3.cast - select to play,sing, or dance a part in a play, movie, musical, opera, or ballet; "He cast a young woman in the role of Desdemona"performing arts - arts or skills that require public performancerecast - cast again, in a different role; "He was recast as Iago"miscast - cast an actor, singer, or dancer in an unsuitable roletypecast - cast repeatedly in the same kind of rolecast - assign the roles of (a movie or a play) to actors; "Who cast this beautiful movie?"assign, delegate, designate, depute - give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)
4.cast - throw forcefullyhurl, hurtledash, crash - hurl or thrust violently; "He dashed the plate against the wall"; "Waves were dashing against the rock"precipitate - hurl or throw violently; "The bridge broke and precipitated the train into the river below"throw - propel through the air; "throw a frisbee"sling, catapult - hurl as if with a slingbowl - hurl a cricket ball from one end of the pitch towards the batsman at the other endcast anchor, drop anchor, anchor - secure a vessel with an anchor; "We anchored at Baltimore"
5.cast - assign the roles of (a movie or a play) to actors; "Who cast this beautiful movie?"cast - select to play,sing, or dance a part in a play, movie, musical, opera, or ballet; "He cast a young woman in the role of Desdemona"assign, delegate, designate, depute - give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)
6.cast - move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employmentcast - move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment; "The gypsies roamed the woods"; "roving vagabonds"; "the wandering Jew"; "The cattle roam across the prairie"; "the laborers drift from one town to the next"; "They rolled from town to town"roam, rove, stray, vagabond, wander, swan, ramble, range, drift, tramp, rollgo, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast"maunder - wander aimlesslygad, gallivant, jazz around - wander aimlessly in search of pleasuredrift, err, stray - wander from a direct course or at random; "The child strayed from the path and her parents lost sight of her"; "don't drift from the set course"wander - go via an indirect route or at no set pace; "After dinner, we wandered into town"
7.cast - form by pouring (e.g., wax or hot metal) into a cast or moldcast - form by pouring (e.g., wax or hot metal) into a cast or mold; "cast a bronze sculpture"mould, moldshape, mould, mold, form, forge, work - make something, usually for a specific function; "She molded the rice balls carefully"; "Form cylinders from the dough"; "shape a figure"; "Work the metal into a sword"press out, press - press from a plastic; "press a record"remold, remould, recast - cast again; "The bell cracked and had to be recast"sand cast - pour molten metal into a mold of sand
8.cast - get rid of; "he shed his image as a pushy boss"; "shed your clothes"cast off, shed, throw off, shake off, throw away, throw, dropexuviate, molt, moult, slough, shed - cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers; "our dog sheds every Spring"remove, take away, withdraw, take - remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment"abscise - shed flowers and leaves and fruit following formation of a scar tissueexfoliate - cast off in scales, laminae, or splintersautotomise, autotomize - cause a body part to undergo autotomy
9.cast - choose at random; "draw a card"; "cast lots"drawmove, go - have a turn; make one's move in a game; "Can I go now?"
10.cast - formulate in a particular style or language; "I wouldn't put it that way"; "She cast her request in very polite language"couch, redact, put, framegive voice, phrase, word, articulate, formulate - put into words or an expression; "He formulated his concerns to the board of trustees"
11.cast - eject the contents of the stomach through the mouthcast - eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth; "After drinking too much, the students vomited"; "He purged continuously"; "The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night"barf, be sick, puke, regorge, retch, sick, throw up, upchuck, vomit, vomit up, disgorge, cat, spue, spew, regurgitate, chuck, honk, purgeegest, excrete, eliminate, pass - eliminate from the body; "Pass a kidney stone"


noun1. actors, company, players, characters, troupe, dramatis personae The show is very amusing and the cast are excellent.2. type, turn, sort, kind, style, stamp Hers was an essentially optimistic cast of mind.verb1. choose, name, pick, select, appoint, assign, allot He has been cast in the lead role of the new Pinter play.2. bestow, give, level, accord, direct, confer He cast a stern glance at the two men.3. give out, spread, deposit, shed, distribute, scatter, emit, radiate, bestow, diffuse The moon cast a bright light over the yard.4. throw, project, launch, pitch, shed, shy, toss, thrust, hurl, fling, chuck (informal), sling, lob, impel, drive, drop She took a pebble and cast it into the water.5. mould, set, found, form, model, shape This statue of Neptune is cast in bronze.cast around for something look for, seek, hunt, search for, fossick for (Austral. & N.Z.) She had been casting around for a good excuse to go to New Yorkcast someone down discourage, depress, desolate, dishearten, dispirit, deject I am not too easily cast down by changes of fortune.cast something or someone aside discard, drop, abandon, dump (informal), get rid of, ditch (slang), chuck (informal), dispose of, dispense with, jettison, throw away or out Now that she is old, she has been cast aside like an old glove.


verb1. To send through the air with a motion of the hand or arm:dart, dash, fling, heave, hurl, hurtle, launch, pitch, shoot, shy, sling, throw, toss.Informal: fire.2. To move (a weapon or blow, for example) in the direction of someone or something:aim, direct, head, level, point, set, train, turn, zero in.Military: lay.3. To send out heat, light, or energy:emit, irradiate, project, radiate, shed, throw.4. To form a strategy for:blueprint, chart, conceive, contrive, design, devise, formulate, frame, lay, plan, project, scheme, strategize, work out.Informal: dope out.Idiom: lay plans.5. To ascertain by mathematics:calculate, cipher, compute, figure, reckon.6. To combine (figures) to form a sum:add (up), foot (up), sum (up), tot (up), total, totalize.phrasal verb
cast aboutTo try to find something:hunt, look, quest, search, seek.phrasal verb
cast outTo rid one's mind of:banish, dismiss, dispel, shut out.noun1. An act of throwing:fling, heave, hurl, launch, pitch, shy, sling, throw, toss.2. A disposition of the facial features that conveys meaning, feeling, or mood:aspect, countenance, expression, face, look, visage.3. A hollow device for shaping a fluid or plastic substance:form, matrix, mold.4. The external outline of a thing:configuration, figure, form, pattern, shape.5. A class that is defined by the common attribute or attributes possessed by all its members:breed, description, feather, ilk, kind, lot, manner, mold, nature, order, sort, species, stamp, stripe, type, variety.Informal: persuasion.6. An inclination to something:bent, bias, disposition, leaning, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, proneness, propensity, squint, tendency, trend, turn.7. A shade of a color, especially a pale or delicate variation:hue, tinge, tint, tone.


(kaːst) past tense past participle cast verb1. to throw. The angler cast his line into the river; These facts cast new light on the matter; She cast him a look of hatred. 扔,拋 扔,抛 2. to get rid of; to take off. Some snakes cast their skins. 脫落,去掉 脱落,去掉 3. to shape (metal etc) by pouring into a mould. Metal is melted before it is cast. 鑄造(金屬等) 铸造4. to give a part in a play etc to. She was cast as Lady Macbeth. 選派...扮演角色 选派...扮演角色5. to select the actors for (a film etc). The director is casting (the film) tomorrow. 為(電影等)選角 为(电影等)挑选演员 6. to give (a vote). I cast my vote for the younger candidate. 投(票) 投票 noun1. a throw. At his third cast he caught a fish. 拋或扔的動作 抛或扔的动作2. something made by moulding. The doctor put a plaster cast on his broken leg. 模鑄品 模压品3. a mould. The hot metal is poured into a cast. 模子 模子4. the complete set of actors in a play, opera etc. the whole cast of the play. 演員陣容 演员阵容,班底 5. something that is ejected by certain animals, eg the earthworm. worm casts all over the grass. 排泄物 排泄物ˈcastaway noun a shipwrecked person. 乘船遇難者 乘船遇难者casting vote the deciding vote of the chairman of a meeting when the other votes are equally divided. 決定性一票 决定性一票cast iron unpurified iron melted and shaped in a mould. 鑄鐵 铸铁ˈcast-iron adjective1. made of cast iron. a cast-iron frying-pan. 鑄鐵的 铸铁的2. very strong. cast-iron muscles. 強健的 坚硬的ˈcast-off noun, adjective (a piece of clothing etc) no longer needed. cast-off clothes; I don't want my sister's cast-offs. 廢棄的(物品) 废弃物cast off1. to untie (the mooring lines of a boat). 解纜 解缆2. (also cast aside) to reject as unwanted. 棄之不用(顧) 抛弃3. in knitting, to finish (the final row of stitches). (編織毛線等)收針 (编织毛线等)收针 cast on in knitting, to make the first row of stitches. (編織毛線等)起針 (编织毛线等)起针





/shed/throw light on To provide information about or clarify (something).
  • be cast in a (some kind of) mold
  • be cast in a mould
  • be cast in cement
  • be cast in concrete
  • be cast in the same mould
  • cast
  • cast (one) as (something)
  • cast (one's) bread upon the waters
  • cast (one's) eye(s) on (someone or something)
  • cast (one's) eyes down
  • cast (one's) lot in with (someone or something)
  • cast (one's) lot with (someone or something)
  • cast (one's) mind back
  • cast (one's) net wide
  • cast (one's) net wider
  • cast (one's) pearls before swine
  • cast (one's) vote
  • cast (some) light on (something)
  • cast (some) light upon (something)
  • cast a glance
  • cast a long shadow
  • cast a pall on (something)
  • cast a pall over (something)
  • cast a pall upon, to
  • cast a shadow over (some place)
  • cast a shadow over (something)
  • cast a sheep's eye
  • cast a spell
  • cast a spell on (someone or something)
  • cast a veil over (something)
  • cast about
  • cast about for
  • cast about for (something)
  • cast adrift
  • cast an eye on (something)
  • cast an eye on something
  • cast an/(one's) eye over (something)
  • cast around for
  • cast around for (someone or something)
  • cast as
  • cast aside
  • cast aspersions
  • cast aspersions on
  • cast aspersions on (someone or something)
  • cast aspersions, to
  • cast away
  • cast back
  • cast beyond the moon
  • Cast bread upon the waters
  • cast doubt
  • cast doubt on
  • cast doubt on (someone or something)
  • cast down
  • cast eyes down
  • cast in (one's) teeth
  • cast in concrete
  • cast in stone
  • cast in the same mold
  • cast loose
  • cast lot in
  • cast lot with
  • cast lots
  • cast of thousands
  • cast off
  • cast on
  • cast one's bread upon the waters, to
  • cast one's lot with
  • cast out
  • cast pearls before swine
  • cast pearls before swine, to
  • cast someone adrift
  • cast something in someone's teeth
  • cast stones against the wind
  • cast the first stone
  • cast the gorge at
  • cast the gorge at (something)
  • cast up
  • cast up (one's) accounts
  • cast vote
  • cast your bread upon the waters
  • cast your eye
  • cast your eyes on something
  • cast your mind back
  • cast your mind back to something
  • cast your net wider
  • cast/draw lots
  • cast/draw/throw a veil over something
  • cast/run an eye/your eyes over something
  • cast/shed/throw light on something
  • cast/spread your net wide
  • cast/throw the first stone, to
  • cast-iron
  • cast-iron stomach
  • Coming events cast their shadows before
  • die is cast
  • die is cast, the
  • draw a veil over (something)
  • in stone, cast/carved/written
  • old sins cast long shadows
  • run an/(one's) eye over (something)
  • shed (some) light on (something)
  • shed (some) light upon (something)
  • spread (one's) net wide
  • the die has been cast
  • the die is cast
  • throw (some) light on (something)
  • throw (some) light upon (something)
  • throw a veil over (something)



1. a. a throw at dice b. the resulting number shown 2. Anglinga. a trace with a fly or flies attached b. the act or an instance of casting 3. a. the actors in a play collectively b. (as modifier): a cast list 4. a. an object made of metal, glass, etc., that has been shaped in a molten state by being poured or pressed into a mould b. the mould used to shape such an object 5. a fixed twist or defect, esp in the eye 6. Surgery a rigid encircling casing, often made of plaster of Paris, for immobilizing broken bones while they heal 7. Pathol a mass of fatty, waxy, cellular, or other material formed in a diseased body cavity, passage, etc. 8. the act of casting a pack of hounds 9. Falconry a pair of falcons working in combination to pursue the same quarry 10. Archery the speed imparted to an arrow by a particular bow 11. a computation or calculation 12. Palaeontol a replica of an organic object made of nonorganic material, esp a lump of sediment that indicates the internal or external surface of a shell or skeleton 13. Palaeontol a sedimentary structure representing the infilling of a mark or depression in a soft layer of sediment (or bed)



an exact reproduction in plaster of paris, wax, or papiermâché of some object. It is usually painted and serves primarily as a visual aid. For example, there are casts of fruits and fish, as well as of normal or pathologically altered organs or parts of the body. Casts are either taken from the object itself or executed by hand according to measurements.

Examples of casts include death masks, reproductions of the hand of a famous musician, and copies of a classical work of sculpture for teaching purposes (hence the phrase, cast studios).



in paleontology, an imprint that remains in sedimentary rock after the dissolution and decomposition of plants or the bodies or skeletons of animals. Casts have been found of mollusk shells, fish skeletons, jellyfish, leaves, stems, and seeds. Impressions of a whole body, especially of a skeletonless animal, are rarely preserved. (SeeFOSSIL REMAINS OF ORGANISMS.)



in art, a reproduction of a sculpture, an object of applied art, or some other art object obtained by taking a hard or soft mold of the original and casting a duplicate in plaster of paris, a synthetic material, or some other material. Hard molds may be made from plaster of paris, and soft molds from wax or plastic. Casts are used in museum exhibits, in restoration work, and as an aid in teaching art.



in paleontology, a type of fossilization of plants and animals in which the actual organic remains, for example, a shell or stem, have disappeared through oxidation or leaching, and the resulting cavity has become filled with sediment. Frequently, the imprint of fine external details may be seen on the surface of a cast. Some parts of the organism may be preserved inside a cast.

The term “cast” is also used to designate an artificial reproduction of a fossil from gypsum or synthetic materials.


[kast] (engineering) To form a liquid or plastic substance into a fixed shape by letting it cool in the mold. Any object which is formed by placing a castable substance in a mold or form and allowing it to solidify. Also known as casting. (medicine) A rigid dressing used to immobilize a part of the body. strabismus (navigation) To turn a ship in its own water. To turn a ship to a desired direction without gaining either headway or sternway. To take a sounding with the lead. (optics) A change in a color because of the adding of a different hue. (paleontology) A fossil reproduction of a natural object formed by infiltration of a mold of the object by waterborne minerals. (physiology) A mass of fibrous material or exudate having the form of the body cavity in which it has been molded; classified from its source, such as bronchial, renal, or tracheal.

cast, staff

In plastering, a shape, usually decorative, made in a mold and then fastened in place.


(1)Computer Aided Software Testing


(2)explicit type conversion

See Cast



 [kast] 1. a positive copy of an object.2. to make such a copy.3. a mold of a tube or hollow organ (such as a renal tubule or bronchiole), formed of effused matter and eliminated from the body. See also cast" >urinary cast.4. a positive copy or mold of the tissues of the jaws, made in an impression, and over which denture bases or other restorations may be fabricated.5. strabismus.6. a stiff dressing or casing, usually made of plaster of Paris, used to immobilize body parts.Patient Care. If the patient is confined to bed after a plaster of Paris cast is applied, it is necessary to provide a firm mattress protected by a waterproof material. Several small pillows should be available for placing under the curves of the cast to prevent remolding or cracking of the plaster and to provide adequate support of the patient. When handling a wet cast only the palm or flat of the hand is used so that the fingertips will not make indentations that might produce pressure against the patient's skin.
While the cast is drying it is left uncovered to allow circulation of air around it. Extreme heat should not be used to hasten drying of a plaster of Paris cast, as this may produce burns under the cast. Synthetic casts, however, may be set or cured with heat. To minimize crumbling of the edges and irritation of the skin around and under the cast, a strip of stockinette or adhesive tape is applied so that the rim of the cast is thoroughly covered. Observation of the patient for signs of impaired circulation, pressure against a nerve, or compartmental syndrome is extremely important. Any numbness, recurrent pain, or tingling should be reported at once. If a limb is enclosed in a cast it should be elevated to reduce swelling. Cyanosis or blanching of the fingers or toes extending from a cast usually indicates impaired blood flow, which may lead to serious complications if not corrected immediately.
renal cast (urinary cast) a cast formed from gelled protein precipitated in the renal tubules and molded to the tubular lumen; pieces of these casts break off and are washed out with the urine. Types named for their constituent material include epithelial, granular, hyaline, and waxy casts. In renal disease, casts may be seen containing red or white blood cells.walking cast a lower extremity cast with an attached heel or other support so that the patient is able to ambulate while the cast is in place.


(kast), 1. An object formed by the solidification of a liquid poured into a mold. 2. Rigid encasement of a part, as with plaster, plastic, or fiberglass, for purposes of immobilization. 3. An elongated or cylindric mold formed in a tubular structure (for example, renal tubule, bronchiole) that may be observed in histologic sections or in material such as urine or sputum; results from inspissation of fluid material secreted or excreted in the tubular structures. 4. Restraint of a large animal, usually a horse, with ropes and harnesses in a recumbent position. 5. In dentistry, a positive reproduction of the form of the tissues of the upper or lower jaw, which is made by the solidification of plaster, metal, or other materials, poured into an impression and over which denture bases or other dental restorations may be fabricated. [M.E. kasten, fr. O.Norse kasta]


(kăst)n.1. A rigid dressing, usually made of gauze and plaster of Paris, used to immobilize an injured body part, as in a fracture or dislocation.2. A mass of fibrous material, coagulated protein, or exudate that has taken the form of the cavity in which it has been molded, such as the bronchial, renal, or vaginal cavity, and that is found histologically and in urine or sputum samples.
A descriptor for a smooth contour of the small intestinal mucosa with loss of mucosal folds, typical of radiocontrast studies in gluten-sensitive enteropathy (coeliac disease)


Medtalk A mold of formed structure or wall. See Decidual cast Nephrology A translucent proteinaceous mold of the renal tubules seen in the urine; casts are ↑↑↑ in renal disease, and the types are crude indicators of the type of renal disease; the matrix of all casts is composed of albumin, small–< 50 kD globulins and glycoprotein secreted by Henle's ascending loop and the distal tubule, forming Tamm-Horsfall protein, aka uromodulin. See Granular cast, Telescoped cast, Waxy cast Orthopedics A temporary plaster or fiberglass device used to immobilize a Fx. See SPICA cast, Walking cast.


Cardiology A clinical trial that examined the effects of suppressing asymptomatic/mildly symptomatic ventricular ectopic beats and arrhythmias in post-MI Pts with CAD using encainide and flecainide. See Arrhythmias, Encainide, Flecainide. Cf BASIS, CASCADE, CAST II, Moricizine.


(kast) 1. An object formed by solidification of a liquid poured into a mold. 2. Rigid encasement of a part, as with plaster, fiberglass, or plastic, to immobilize (e.g., long-leg cast, short-leg cast) a fractured bone. 3. An elongated or cylindric mold formed in a tubular structure (e.g., renal tubule, bronchiole) that may be observed in histologic sections or in material such as urine or sputum; results from inspissation of fluid material secreted or excreted in the tubular structures. 4. dentistry A positive reproduction of the form of the tissues of the upper or lower jaw, formed by pouring gypsum or metal into an impression of the tissues, allowing it to set, and then removing the impression. Resulting structure provides a base on which dental restorations may be fabricated. [M.E. kasten, fr. O.Norse kasta]


(kast) [ME. casten, to carry] 1. In dentistry, a positive copy of jaw tissues over which denture bases may be made. 2. To make an accurate metallic reproduction of a wax pattern of a dental appliance, tooth crown, or inlay cavity preparation.3. Pliable or fibrous material shed in various pathological conditions; the product of effusion. It is molded to the shape of the part in which it has been accumulated. Casts are classified as bronchial, intestinal, nasal, esophageal, renal, tracheal, urethral, and vaginal; constituents are classified as bloody, fatty, fibrinous, granular, hyaline, mucous, and waxy. DECORATED CAST 4. A solid mold of a part, usually applied in situ for immobilization of fractures, dislocations, and other severe injuries. It is carefully applied to the immobilized part and allowed to dry and harden (over 24 to 48 hr). Care is taken not to apply any pressure to the cast until after the cast is dried and hardened. Synthetic materials, such as fiberglass, are also used, esp. for non–weight-bearing parts of the body. See: illustration

Patient care

Neurovascular status distal to the cast is monitored; and any deterioration in circulation and in sensory or motor abilities, such as paresthesias, paralysis, diminished pulses, pallor, coldness, or pain, is documented and reported. Pain or burning under the cast other than a transient sense of warmth (which is expected), is also documented and reported. The cast may be bivalved or removed to relieve pressure on the swollen tissues beneath it. To limit swelling the casted extremity should be supported above heart level for the first 24 hours. All casts must be kept dry to avoid maceration of the skin. Objects should not be placed inside a cast to relieve itching, but relief often can be obtained by applying cold (a well-sealed ice bag) to the cast over the area that itches, or by scratching the opposite extremity in the same area. Joints above and below the cast should be exercised to prevent stiffness and contractures. The patient is instructed in symptoms to be reported, cast care and ways to protect the cast from damage; prescribed exercises or activity limitations; and use of any assistive devices such as slings, crutches, or walker.

blood cell casts

Red blood cell cast.

body cast

A cast used to immobilize the spine. It may extend from the thorax to the pelvis.

bronchial cast

Mucus formed into the shape of the bronchi in which it was previously lodged.

broomstick cast

A type of cast used following skin traction for (Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. A bar is used between upper femoral casts to maintain abduction. See: Legg-Calvé-Perthes diseaseEPITHELIAL CAST: (Orig. mag. ×400)

epithelial cast

Tubular epithelial cells in the urine, a finding in some cases of glomerulonephritis. illustrationFATTY CAST: (Orig. mag. ×400)

fatty cast

A urinary cast, consisting of a mass of fatty globules, seen in the examination of patients with nephrosis. illustration

fibrinous cast

A yellow-brown cast sometimes seen in glomerulonephritis.

granular cast

A coarse or fine granule, short and plump, sometimes yellowish, similar to a hyaline cast, and soluble in acetic acid. It is seen in inflammatory and degenerative nephropathies. See: castHYALINE CAST: (Orig. mag. ×400)

hyaline cast

The most common form of cast found in the urine, transparent, pale, and having homogeneous rounded ends. It may be a benign finding, or may be present in fevers, stress, kidney disease, or unchecked hypertension. illustration

light cast

A cast used in orthopedics, made of a lightweight material that is usually applied and then hardened by treating with the heat from a light.

Minerva cast

A body cast that extends from the top of the head to the iliac crests, leaving the facial features exposed, but supporting the chin and neck. It is used to treat odontoid fractures in children.

muddy brown cast

The presence of cola- or fecal-colored casts in a urine specimen. It is a characteristic finding in acute tubular necrosis of the kidneys.

plaster cast

Rigid dressing made of gauze impregnated with plaster of Paris, used to immobilize an injured part, esp. in bone fractures. RED BLOOD CELL CAST: (Orig. mag. ×400)

red blood cell cast

A urinary cast composed principally of red blood cells strongly suggestive of glomerulonephritis. Synonym: blood cell castillustration

spica hip cast

A cast containing the lower torso and extending to one or both lower extremities. If only one lower extremity is included, it is called a single hip spica; if two are included, it is called a double hip spica. These are used for treating pelvic and femoral fractures.

urinary cast

A cylindrical clump of cells and proteins found in the urine in a wide variety of diseases and conditions.

uterine cast

Tissue or mucus from the endometrium passed in exfoliative endometritis or membranous dysmenorrhea.

walking cast

A cast or boot that allows the patient to be ambulatory. Synonym: walking boot See: Walking boot

waxy cast

A light yellowish, well-defined urinary cast probably made up of disintegrating kidney cells, found in some chronic kidney diseases, glomerulonephritis, and uncontrolled hypertension. WHITE BLOOD CELL CAST: (Orig. mag. ×400)

white blood cell cast

A leukocyte cast found in urine in acute pyelonephritis, interstitial nephritis, and at times, glomerulonephritis. illustrationillustrationillustration


1. An abnormal moulded shape, corresponding to the inside of a kidney tubule or a small air tube in the lungs (bronchiole) formed when excreted material such as protein or mucus solidifies in situ. 2. A supportive shell of bandage-reinforced Plaster of Paris used to immobilize fractures during healing.

impression, eye

A negative form or replica of the anterior part of the eye. A substance with rapid gelling properties is held in contact with the eye until gelled. This impression (or mould) is then used in the preparation of a positive model called a cast (or casting) of the anterior part of the eye: it is made by filling the impression with a material containing a plaster of Paris base which hardens to artificial stone. Using this cast a shell of a scleral contact lens is produced with optimum shape of the back surface. Syn. impression; impression moulding; mould; ocular impression.


(kast) 1. In dentistry, a positive reproduction of the form of the tissues of the upper or lower jaw, which is made by the solidification of plaster, metal, or other materials, poured into an impression and over which denture bases or other dental restorations may be fabricated.2. An object formed by the solidification of a liquid poured into a mold. 3. Rigid encasement of a part, as with plaster, plastic, or fiberglass, for purposes of immobilization. [M.E. kasten, fr. O.Norse kasta]
LegalSeeCasting vote


CASTCenter for Applied Special Technology
CASTCenter for Aging Services Technologies
CASTCenter for Advanced Spatial Technologies (University of Arkansas)
CASTCollege of Applied Science and Technology (various universities)
CASTCouncil for Agricultural Science and Technology
CASTChina Association for Science and Technology
CASTCommercial Aviation Safety Team
CASTCenter for Advanced Science and Technology (various locations)
CASTCommittee of Advisors on Science and Technology
CASTComputer-Aided Software Testing
CASTConsortium for Advanced Scientific and Technical
CASTComputer Aided Software Testing
CASTCompaq Acceleration Server Technology
CASTCardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (NIH)
CASTCoalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking
CASTCarolina Actors Studio Theatre (Charlotte, NC)
CASTChildren of Alcoholics Screening Test
CASTCatch A Special Thrill
CASTCaribbean Alliance for Sustainable Tourism
CASTChinese Acute Stroke Trial (medical trial)
CASTCommittee on Advanced Subspecialty Training (Society of Neurological Surgeons)
CASTCommand and Staff Trainer (British Army; UK)
CASTCollege of Arts Science and Technology
CASTCombined Arms Staff Trainer
CASTContemporary Art Services Tasmania (Australia)
CASTCenter for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies
CASTCombat Airman Skills Training (US DoD)
CASTChange Average Speed to (road rally instruction)
CASTChina Aerospace Science and Technology Corp.
CASTCaribbean Action for Sustainable Tourism
CASTConvoy Active Safety Technologies
CASTCarlisle Adams/Stafford Tavares (encryption ciphers)
CASTCasting and Solidification Technology
CASTCombat Armament Support Team
CASTCentre d'Actualisation Scientifique et Technique
CASTCluster Affinity Search Technique (algorithm)
CASTColor Allergy Screening Test
CASTCouples Association of Sports Tournaments
CASTCentro de Asistencia y Servicios Tecnológicos (Juarez, Mexico)
CASTCapital Area Swim Team (Michigan)
CASTComputer-Aided Self Teach (online training application)
CASTComputer-Aided Submode Training (US Navy)
CASTCenter for Applied Space Technology (Kennedy Space Center, FL)
CASTCooperating Agents for Specific Tasks
CASTCarrier Availability Support Team
CASTCooperative Agents for Specific Tasks
CASTCapital Area Software Testers (Washington, DC)
CASTChinese Academy of Space and Technology
CASTCluster of Affected Sibling Test
CASTCenter for Astrostatistics
CASTCosine All Sine Tangent (trigonometry)
CASTComprehensive Airport Simulation Technology (airport and plane development software)
CASTCallahan Area Show Theatre (Callahan, Florida)
CASTChina Aerospace Science and Technology Group
CASTCenter for Advanced Studies in Telecommunications (Ohio State University)
CASTCommand Aircraft Systems Training
CASTCombined Avionics Systems Trainer (US DoD)
CASTClose Air Support Tool
CASTCross-Aft Shroud Tool
CASTCreative Alliance Scriptwriting Talent project
CASTCivil Affairs Support Team
CASTCustomer Assistance Service Team (Indiana Lumbermens Mutual 2000)
CASTCoordinated ASW Services & Training
CASTCombat Avionics Support Team (USAF)
CASTCell Array Stress Test (computer memory)
CASTCore Administrative Standards Team
CASTCoomes Aquatic Swim Team (Abingdon, VA)
CASTCertification and Accreditation Support Tool (US DoD)


  • all
  • noun
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for cast

noun actors


  • actors
  • company
  • players
  • characters
  • troupe
  • dramatis personae

noun type


  • type
  • turn
  • sort
  • kind
  • style
  • stamp

verb choose


  • choose
  • name
  • pick
  • select
  • appoint
  • assign
  • allot

verb bestow


  • bestow
  • give
  • level
  • accord
  • direct
  • confer

verb give out


  • give out
  • spread
  • deposit
  • shed
  • distribute
  • scatter
  • emit
  • radiate
  • bestow
  • diffuse

verb throw


  • throw
  • project
  • launch
  • pitch
  • shed
  • shy
  • toss
  • thrust
  • hurl
  • fling
  • chuck
  • sling
  • lob
  • impel
  • drive
  • drop

verb mould


  • mould
  • set
  • found
  • form
  • model
  • shape

phrase cast around for something


  • look for
  • seek
  • hunt
  • search for
  • fossick for

phrase cast someone down


  • discourage
  • depress
  • desolate
  • dishearten
  • dispirit
  • deject

phrase cast something or someone aside


  • discard
  • drop
  • abandon
  • dump
  • get rid of
  • ditch
  • chuck
  • dispose of
  • dispense with
  • jettison
  • throw away or out

Synonyms for cast

verb to send through the air with a motion of the hand or arm


  • dart
  • dash
  • fling
  • heave
  • hurl
  • hurtle
  • launch
  • pitch
  • shoot
  • shy
  • sling
  • throw
  • toss
  • fire

verb to move (a weapon or blow, for example) in the direction of someone or something


  • aim
  • direct
  • head
  • level
  • point
  • set
  • train
  • turn
  • zero in
  • lay

verb to send out heat, light, or energy


  • emit
  • irradiate
  • project
  • radiate
  • shed
  • throw

verb to form a strategy for


  • blueprint
  • chart
  • conceive
  • contrive
  • design
  • devise
  • formulate
  • frame
  • lay
  • plan
  • project
  • scheme
  • strategize
  • work out
  • dope out

verb to ascertain by mathematics


  • calculate
  • cipher
  • compute
  • figure
  • reckon

verb to combine (figures) to form a sum


  • add
  • foot
  • sum
  • tot
  • total
  • totalize

phrase cast about: to try to find something


  • hunt
  • look
  • quest
  • search
  • seek

phrase cast out: to rid one's mind of


  • banish
  • dismiss
  • dispel
  • shut out

noun an act of throwing


  • fling
  • heave
  • hurl
  • launch
  • pitch
  • shy
  • sling
  • throw
  • toss

noun a disposition of the facial features that conveys meaning, feeling, or mood


  • aspect
  • countenance
  • expression
  • face
  • look
  • visage

noun a hollow device for shaping a fluid or plastic substance


  • form
  • matrix
  • mold

noun the external outline of a thing


  • configuration
  • figure
  • form
  • pattern
  • shape

noun a class that is defined by the common attribute or attributes possessed by all its members


  • breed
  • description
  • feather
  • ilk
  • kind
  • lot
  • manner
  • mold
  • nature
  • order
  • sort
  • species
  • stamp
  • stripe
  • type
  • variety
  • persuasion

noun an inclination to something


  • bent
  • bias
  • disposition
  • leaning
  • partiality
  • penchant
  • predilection
  • predisposition
  • proclivity
  • proneness
  • propensity
  • squint
  • tendency
  • trend
  • turn

noun a shade of a color, especially a pale or delicate variation


  • hue
  • tinge
  • tint
  • tone

Synonyms for cast

noun the actors in a play


  • cast of characters
  • dramatis personae

Related Words

  • assemblage
  • gathering
  • troupe
  • company
  • supporting players
  • ensemble

noun container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardens


  • mold
  • mould

Related Words

  • container
  • form
  • matrix
  • pig bed
  • pig
  • sandbox

noun the distinctive form in which a thing is made


  • mold
  • stamp
  • mould

Related Words

  • solid

noun the visual appearance of something or someone


  • shape
  • form

Related Words

  • appearance
  • visual aspect

noun bandage consisting of a firm covering (often made of plaster of Paris) that immobilizes broken bones while they heal


  • plaster bandage
  • plaster cast

Related Words

  • bandage
  • patch

noun object formed by a mold


  • casting

Related Words

  • copy
  • death mask
  • cylinder block
  • engine block
  • block
  • life mask

noun the act of throwing dice


  • roll

Related Words

  • craps
  • throw
  • natural

noun the act of throwing a fishing line out over the water by means of a rod and reel


  • casting

Related Words

  • fishing
  • sportfishing
  • bait casting
  • fly casting
  • overcast
  • surf casting
  • surf fishing

noun a violent throw


  • hurl

Related Words

  • throw

verb put or send forth


  • contrive
  • throw
  • project

Related Words

  • send
  • direct
  • shoot

verb deposit

Related Words

  • give

verb select to play,sing, or dance a part in a play, movie, musical, opera, or ballet

Related Words

  • performing arts
  • recast
  • miscast
  • typecast
  • cast
  • assign
  • delegate
  • designate
  • depute

verb throw forcefully


  • hurl
  • hurtle

Related Words

  • dash
  • crash
  • precipitate
  • throw
  • sling
  • catapult
  • bowl
  • cast anchor
  • drop anchor
  • anchor

verb assign the roles of (a movie or a play) to actors

Related Words

  • cast
  • assign
  • delegate
  • designate
  • depute

verb move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment


  • roam
  • rove
  • stray
  • vagabond
  • wander
  • swan
  • ramble
  • range
  • drift
  • tramp
  • roll

Related Words

  • go
  • locomote
  • move
  • travel
  • maunder
  • gad
  • gallivant
  • jazz around
  • drift
  • err
  • stray
  • wander

verb form by pouring (e.g., wax or hot metal) into a cast or mold


  • mould
  • mold

Related Words

  • shape
  • mould
  • mold
  • form
  • forge
  • work
  • press out
  • press
  • remold
  • remould
  • recast
  • sand cast

verb get rid of


  • cast off
  • shed
  • throw off
  • shake off
  • throw away
  • throw
  • drop

Related Words

  • exuviate
  • molt
  • moult
  • slough
  • shed
  • remove
  • take away
  • withdraw
  • take
  • abscise
  • exfoliate
  • autotomise
  • autotomize

verb choose at random


  • draw

Related Words

  • move
  • go

verb formulate in a particular style or language


  • couch
  • redact
  • put
  • frame

Related Words

  • give voice
  • phrase
  • word
  • articulate
  • formulate

verb eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth


  • barf
  • be sick
  • puke
  • regorge
  • retch
  • sick
  • throw up
  • upchuck
  • vomit
  • vomit up
  • disgorge
  • cat
  • spue
  • spew
  • regurgitate
  • chuck
  • honk
  • purge

Related Words

  • egest
  • excrete
  • eliminate
  • pass




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