Craftsmen's Fair

Craftsmen's Fair

One week in early AugustAlthough craft fairs can be found all over New England during the summer months, the Craftsmen's Fair at Mt. Sunapee Resort in Newbury, N.H., is considered to be the oldest continuously held craft fair, dating back to 1934. The fair features more than 200 craftspeople who sell their work and display their skills through demonstrations in such diverse areas as decoy carving, printmaking, weaving and spinning, basket making, embroidering, pipe making, and blacksmithing. Visitors to the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen's Fair can buy clothing, pottery, leaded glass, lampshades, character dolls, marionettes, jewelry, blown glass, leather goods, and just about any other craft they can imagine. There is also a juried craft exhibit, which is open only to members of the League.
League of New Hampshire Craftsmen
205 N. Main St.
Concord, NH 03301
603-224-3375; fax: 603-225-8452
GdUSFest-1984, p. 117