Multiple Root
multiple root
[′məl·tə·pəl ′rüt]Multiple Root
A multiple root of the polynomial
f(x) = aoxn + a1xn-1 + … + an
is a number c such that f(x) is divided without remainder by the binomial (x—c) raised to the second or higher degree; c is called a root of multiplicity k iff(x) is divided by (x—c)k but not by (x—c)k+l. A root of multiplicity k of the polynomial f(x) is also a root of all the derivatives of the polynomial up to and including the derivative of order (k — 1), that is, of the polynomials f’(x), f”(x), & ,f(k-1)(x). A multiple root of the polynomial f(x) is also called a multiple root of the equation f(x) = 0.