Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
Socorro, NM 87801
Established: 1939.
Location:20 miles south of Socorro, New Mexico.
Facilities:Visitor center, viewing sites, auto tour route, trails.
Activities:Fishing, hiking, hunting, educational programs, special events.
Special Features:One of the most spectacular wildlife refuges in North America, tens of thousands of birds gather here each autumn and stay through the winter. Refuge encompasses three wilderness areas totaling 30,850 acres and five research natural areas totaling 18,500 acres.
Habitats: 57,191 acres of moist bottomlands, wetlands, riparian forests, and farm fields. The Rio Grande flows through the center of the floodplain.
Access: Open one hour before sunrise until one hour after sunset.
Wild life: Snow geese and other waterfowl, sandhill cranes, American kestral, ravens, roadrunner, oryx, mule deer, rabbits, and porcupine.
See other parks in New Mexico.