Borodin, Ivan Parfenevich
Borodin, Ivan Parfen’evich
Born Jan. 18(30), 1847, near Novgorod; died Mar. 5, 1930, in Leningrad. Russian botanist; academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1902).
Borodin graduated from the University of St. Petersburg in 1869 and then taught in a number of institutions of higher learning there; in 1880 he became a professor. He studied plant physiology (mainly respiration) and anatomy, including the distribution of chlorophyll in the green parts of plants. The biological station of Lake Bologoe was organized on Borodin’s initiative in 1896; in 1915 he organized the Russian Botanical Society and was its president continuously until his death. In several of his works he expressed the propaganda of vitalist views on the essence of organic functions, which provoked sharp criticism from K. A. Timiriazev.
Kurs anatomii rastenii, 5th ed. Moscow, 1938.Protsess oplodotvoreniia v rastitel’nom tsarstve. St. Petersburg-Moscow, 1888.
Kurs dendrologii. St. Petersburg, 1891.