

单词 cpb



or C.P.B.,

Corporation for Public Broadcasting.



Cardiopulmonary bypass. See Port-Access cardiopulmonary bypass.



A slang term for a situation in which an employee is taking care of personal matters while at work. For example, an employee who sits at his desk and works on his novel instead of dealing with customers is CPB. The term is an abbreviation for "conducting personal business."


CPBCorporation for Public Broadcasting
CPBCardiopulmonary Bypass
CPBCentraal Planbureau
CPBCartagena Protocol on Biosafety (international biosafety agreement)
CPBConsumer Protection Board (State of New York)
CPBCercle Paul Bert (French sports club)
CPBCrown Property Bureau (Thai quasi-goverment agency)
CPBColorado Potato Beetle (Leptinotarsa Decemlineata)
CPBCordless Phone Battery
CPBCore Performance Boost
CPBCentral Pacific Bank
CPBCocoa Pod Borer (crop pest)
CPBClinical Policy Bulletin
CPBChemical and Physical Biology (various schools)
CPBCommunist Party of Bangladesh
CPBCommunist Party of Burma
CPBColey Porter Bell (UK; design firm)
CPBCommunist Party of Britain
CPBCommission Paritaire de Branche (French: Joint Branch Committee)
CPBCentre de Protection du Bâtiment (French: Building Protection Center)
CPBCenter for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (Chicago, IL)
CPBCompagnie Parisienne de Bâtiment (French: Parisian Construction Company; Paris, France)
CPBCoopérative des Producteurs de Bois (French: Wood Producers Cooperative)
CPBCommittee to Protect Bloggers
CPBCoastal Patrol Boat (USCG)
CPBCenter for Practical Bioethics (Kansas City, MO)
CPBCharged Particle Beam
CPBCharentes Préfabrication Béton (French prefabricated concrete company)
CPBCenter for Population Biology
CPBCentral Planning Office (Dutch)
CPBCanada Premium Bonds
CPBCount Paper Ballots (election fairness group)
CPBCalifornia Prune Board
CPBCoded Picture Buffer (digital TV)
CPBCorn Promotion Board (various locations)
CPBContinuous Power Bridge (energy solution)
CPBCorporation of the Presiding Bishop
CPBCivilian Personnel Bulletin
CPBConference Program Board
CPBCongress Parliamentary Board
CPBConducting Personal Business (on the job)
CPBCrime Prevention Branch
CPBComputer Program Book
CPBCivilian Personnel Branch
CPBCommunity Policing Bureau
CPBCareer Planning Board
CPBCritical Pressure Boiler
CPBComitato Pendolari di Bergamo
CPBCanadian Parole Board
CPBConfiguration Policy Board
CPBConcrete Placing Boom (construction)
CPBConstant Prepayment on the Balloon




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