Acronym | Definition |
CPB➣Corporation for Public Broadcasting |
CPB➣Cardiopulmonary Bypass |
CPB➣Centraal Planbureau |
CPB➣Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (international biosafety agreement) |
CPB➣Consumer Protection Board (State of New York) |
CPB➣Cercle Paul Bert (French sports club) |
CPB➣Crown Property Bureau (Thai quasi-goverment agency) |
CPB➣Colorado Potato Beetle (Leptinotarsa Decemlineata) |
CPB➣Cordless Phone Battery |
CPB➣Core Performance Boost |
CPB➣Central Pacific Bank |
CPB➣Cocoa Pod Borer (crop pest) |
CPB➣Clinical Policy Bulletin |
CPB➣Chemical and Physical Biology (various schools) |
CPB➣Communist Party of Bangladesh |
CPB➣Communist Party of Burma |
CPB➣Coley Porter Bell (UK; design firm) |
CPB➣Communist Party of Britain |
CPB➣Commission Paritaire de Branche (French: Joint Branch Committee) |
CPB➣Centre de Protection du Bâtiment (French: Building Protection Center) |
CPB➣Center for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (Chicago, IL) |
CPB➣Compagnie Parisienne de Bâtiment (French: Parisian Construction Company; Paris, France) |
CPB➣Coopérative des Producteurs de Bois (French: Wood Producers Cooperative) |
CPB➣Committee to Protect Bloggers |
CPB➣Coastal Patrol Boat (USCG) |
CPB➣Center for Practical Bioethics (Kansas City, MO) |
CPB➣Charged Particle Beam |
CPB➣Charentes Préfabrication Béton (French prefabricated concrete company) |
CPB➣Center for Population Biology |
CPB➣Central Planning Office (Dutch) |
CPB➣Canada Premium Bonds |
CPB➣Count Paper Ballots (election fairness group) |
CPB➣California Prune Board |
CPB➣Coded Picture Buffer (digital TV) |
CPB➣Corn Promotion Board (various locations) |
CPB➣Continuous Power Bridge (energy solution) |
CPB➣Corporation of the Presiding Bishop |
CPB➣Civilian Personnel Bulletin |
CPB➣Conference Program Board |
CPB➣Congress Parliamentary Board |
CPB➣Conducting Personal Business (on the job) |
CPB➣Crime Prevention Branch |
CPB➣Computer Program Book |
CPB➣Civilian Personnel Branch |
CPB➣Community Policing Bureau |
CPB➣Career Planning Board |
CPB➣Critical Pressure Boiler |
CPB➣Comitato Pendolari di Bergamo |
CPB➣Canadian Parole Board |
CPB➣Configuration Policy Board |
CPB➣Concrete Placing Boom (construction) |
CPB➣Constant Prepayment on the Balloon |