Krebs, Sir Hans Adolf
Krebs, Sir Hans Adolf
(krĕbz, krĕps), 1900–1981, English biochemist, b. Germany, M.D. Univ. of Hamburg, 1925. He taught at Cambridge and at the Univ. of Sheffield and after 1954 was professor of biochemistry at Oxford. In 1939 he became an English citizen. He received the 1953 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, awarded jointly to him and to F. A. LipmannLipmann, Fritz Albert,1899–1986, American biochemist, b. Germany, grad. Univ. of Berlin (M.D., 1922; Ph.D., 1927). He emigrated to the United States in 1939 and became a citizen in 1944.
..... Click the link for more information. , for his studies of intermediary metabolism. These studies included the elucidation of the cycle of chemical reactions called the citric acid, or Krebs, cycle, which has proved to be the major source of energy in living organisms.