

单词 dars
释义 DictionarySeesatellite radio



[¦dē¦ä¦är′es or därz] (communications) direct audio radio service


(1) (Digital Audio Radio Service) The FCC nomenclature for digital radio. DARS is the landline version that is implemented with the IBOC technology. Satellite DARS (S-DARS) is the satellite version (XM and Sirius). See DAB and satellite radio.

(2) (Dow Aviation Reservation System) Dow Chemical's intranet-based reservations system. It lets employees reserve seats on corporate jets scheduled between company locations.

(3) (Disaster Assessment Recovery System) A disaster management application based on Domino from Corporate Workflow Solutions, Inc., Jupiter, FL. It is used to deploy equipment and personnel after natural disasters strike.


DARSDrug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Services (various locations)
DARSDegree Audit Reporting System (registration and transcript software)
DARSDepartment of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services
DARSDigital Archives
DARSDigital Audio Radio Services
DARSDigital Audio Radio Service
DARSDistrict Amateur Radio Society (UK)
DARSDigital Audio Radio Satellite
DARSDallas Area Rocket Society
DARSDéveloppement Agricole et Rural au Sud (French: Agricultural and Rural Development in the South)
DARSDry Ash Removal System
DARSDigital Audio Reference Signal
DARSDigital Audio Radio System
DARSData Acquisition and Recording System
DARSDefense Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DARSDegree Auditing Report System (University)
DARSDepartment of Defense Architecture Repository System
DARSDatabased Accounting Reconciliation System
DARSData Acquisition and Reduction System (NASA)
DARSDaily Aerial Reconnaissance Syndicate
DARSDefense Acquisition Regulatory System
DARSDocument Archival Retrieval System
DARSDaily Airborne Reconnaissance and Surveillance
DARSDepartment of the Army Relocation Sites
DARSDoD (Department of Defense) Architecture Registry System (US DoD)
DARSDomestic Appliance Repair Services (UK)
DARSDeployable ACC (Air Control Centre), RPC (Recognized Air Picture Production Centre), SFP (Sensor Fusion Post)




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