fasciculus gracilis

grac·ile fas·cic·u·lus

[TA] the smaller medial subdivision of the posterior funiculus. Synonym(s): fasciculus gracilis [TA], funiculus gracilis, Goll column, posterior pyramid of the medulla, slender fasciculus, tract of Goll

fasciculus gracilis

The more medial of the two large ascending axon tracts that fill the dorsal funiculus of the spinal cord. The fasciculus gracilis contains dorsal root ganglion cell axons transmitting discriminative sensations from the legs and trunk. See also: fasciculus


Friedrich, Swiss anatomist, 1829-1903. Goll column - Synonym(s): fasciculus gracilisnucleus of Goll - the medial one of the three nuclei of the dorsal column. Synonym(s): gracile nucleustract of Goll - Synonym(s): fasciculus gracilis