Acronym | Definition |
FASA➣Fabricacion De Automoviles Sa |
FASA➣Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994 |
FASA➣Franchise Association South Africa |
FASA➣Florida Association of School Administrators |
FASA➣Filipino-American Student Association |
FASA➣Federated Ambulatory Surgery Association (nonprofit association representing the interests of ambulatory surgery centers) |
FASA➣Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America |
FASA➣Fellow of the American Society of Appraisers |
FASA➣Freedonian Aeronautics and Space Administration |
FASA➣Fellow of the Astronomical Society of Australia |
FASA➣Fleet Airships, Atlantic (US Navy) |
FASA➣Farmacias Ahumada SA |
FASA➣Fashion Accessories Shippers Association, Inc (New York, NY) |
FASA➣Faculty of Arts Students Association |
FASA➣Field Army Service Area |
FASA➣Four-Arm Spiral Antenna |