

 [e-lek″tro-e-jak″u-la´shun] electrical stimulation via the rectum to produce an ejaculation of semen; this is commonly used for spinal cord injury or testicular cancer patients who cannot ejaculate and are attempting insemination" >artificial insemination. It may also be used for those with abdominal injuries, multiple sclerosis, diabetic neuropathy, and anejaculation from other causes, both physical and psychogenic.


(ĭ-lĕk″trō-ē-jăk″ū-lā′shŭn) [″ + L. ejaculare, to throw out] The retrieval of semen by electrical stimulation of the prostate. Electroejaculation is used to obtain sperm from men who are unable to ejaculate, e.g., because of spinal cord injury. It has also been used in veterinary medicine.