Workers Party for the Political Liberation of Russia
Workers’ Party for the Political Liberation of Russia
a Narodnik-Socialist Revolutionary organization that existed in the late 1890’s in Minsk. As many as 40 workers’ circles with a total membership of approximately 200 were united by the party. There were groups in Belostok, Ekaterino-slav, Zhitomir, and other cities.
The Commission for Transports was under the auspices of the organization and was engaged in the dissemination of collections of revolutionary publications, each collection containing 100 titles. The work of the organization and the views of its leader L. M. Kliachko (Rodionova) were greatly influenced by G. A. Gershuni and E. K. Breshko-Breshkovskaia. The party’s program was contained in the pamphlet Freedom (Minsk, 1900), which advocated terrorism as the primary means of achieving political freedom.
In the spring of 1900 the organization was routed by the Okhranka. The surviving circles joined the united Socialist Revolutionary Party in 1902.