Choisnard, Paul

Choisnard, Paul

(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

Paul Choisnard, born February 13, 1867, in Tours, France, was an eminent astrologer. A graduate of L’École Polytechnique in Paris, his first career was as a major in the field artillery. He became interested in astrology, especially “scientific astrology,” and took it up as a significant side interest. Choisnard was particularly interested in astrological research involving statistical methods. To avoid conflict within his first profession, he used the pseudonym Paul Flambart until after he retired. He was a prolific writer, though little known in the United States.

Choisnard was important for his role in helping to revive astrology in France and for his pioneering role in applying statistical methods to astrology. He was succeeded in the latter role by the Swiss astrologer Karl Ernst Krafft, who was in turn followed by Michel Gauquelin. Choisnard died on February 9, 1930, in St. Geni-de-Saintange.


Choisnard, Paul. Étude nouvelle sur l’hérédité. Paris: Chacornac, 1903.Choisnard, Paul. Influence astrale. Paris: Chacornac, 1901.Choisnard, Paul. Langage astral. Paris: Chacornac, 1903.Holden, James H., and Robert A. Hughes. Astrological Pioneers of America. Tempe, AZ: American Federation of Astrologers, 1988.