Bochdalek ganglion

Boch·da·lek gan·gli·on

(bok'dă-lek), a ganglion of the plexus of the dental nerve lying in the maxilla just above the root of the canine tooth.


Vincent A., Czech anatomist, 1801-1883. Bochdalek duct - thyroglossal duct. Synonym(s): duct of His; duct of Vater; thyrolingual ductBochdalek foramen - a congenital defective opening through the diaphragm, connecting pleural and peritoneal cavities. Synonym(s): pleuroperitoneal hiatusBochdalek ganglion - a ganglion of the plexus of the dental nerve lying in the maxilla just above the root of the canine tooth.Bochdalek gap - a triangular area in the diaphragm devoid of muscle fibers. Synonym(s): vertebrocostal trigoneBochdalek hernia - absence of the pleuroperitoneal membrane (usually on the left) or an enlarged Morgagni foramen which allows protrusion of abdominal viscera into the chest. Synonym(s): congenital diaphragmatic herniaBochdalek muscle - an occasional thin band of muscular fibers passing between the root of the tongue and the triticeal cartilage. Synonym(s): musculus triticeoglossusBochdalek valve - a fold of mucous membrane in the lacrimal canaliculus at the lacrimal punctum. Synonym(s): Foltz valvuleflower basket of Bochdalek - part of the choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle protruding through Luschka foramen and resting on the dorsal surface of the glossopharyngeal nerve.

Boch·da·lek gan·gli·on

(bokdă-lek gangglē-ŏn) Ganglion of plexus of dental nerve lying in the maxilla just above root of canine tooth.