E0277300 (ĕg′zĭt, ĕk′sĭt)Exits
- Bustled off … like a rolling whirlwind —Yukio Mishima
- Crept away, after the fashion of a whipped dog —H. E. Bates
- Fled … like damnmd water broken free —Z. Vance Wilson
- Fled like quicksilver —William Shakespeare
- Flits like a silky bat out of the room —Rose Tremain
- Galloping out like a runaway horse —Donald Seaman
- Go out like a candle, in a snuff —John Ray’s Proverbs
A commonly used version found in a short story entitled The Beldonald Holbein by Henry James is to “Go out like a snuffed candle.”
- I’m off like a dirty shirt —John Crier speaking in the movie Pretty in Pink
- Jumped out of that house like fleas off a dead dog —Rita Mae Brown
- Leave the room as a burglar might escape from the scene of a carefully planned crime —James Stern
- Like a rabbit that had been fired at, bolted from the room —John Galsworthy
- Like March, having come in like a lion, he purposed to go out (of her life) like a lamb —Charlotte Bronte
Often a familiar simile gains freshness from the way it is applied, as illustrated by this example from Shirley.
- Made like an arrow for the door —Christopher Isherwood
- Made tracks like a jumped fawn —Thomas Zigal
- Running away like sheep —Stephen Vincent Benït
- Scuttled away as if he’d found a maggot in his meatball —Joseph Wambaugh
- Slide away like a whisper down the wind —Richard Ford
- Spook like cattle on a drive —Clinton A. Phillips, dean of faculty at Texas A & M University, quoted on departure of some academics for better opportunities, New York Times, December 21, 1986
- Stumping to the door … like an ancient mariner who had lost his temper —Frank Swinnerton
- Took off like a big-assed bird —American colloquialism
Another expression spread by the American army.
- Took off like a goosed duck —Harold Adams
- Took off like a scalded cat —May Swenson
- Turned and left, like a key from a lock —Desmond O’Grady