Anisim Gribov
Gribov, Anisim
Years of birth and death unknown. Russian diplomat of the mid-17th century. From the Astrakhan posadskie liudi (merchants and artisans).
Gribov’s first mission (1641–43) took him to Iushan, the khan of Khiva, and Nadir-Muhammad, the khan of Bukhara and Balkh, to convey Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich’s offer of diplomatic and trade relations; it was positively received in Middle Asia. Gribov’s second mission (1646–47), sent by Aleksei Mikhailovich, did not reach its destination in Middle Asia. In 1651, Gribov was sent as a messenger to Shah Abbas II. Gribov’s missions were also major trade expeditions. The materials from Gribov’s missions are valuable sources for Middle Asian history of the 1640’s.