Anisim Gribov

Gribov, Anisim


Years of birth and death unknown. Russian diplomat of the mid-17th century. From the Astrakhan posadskie liudi (merchants and artisans).

Gribov’s first mission (1641–43) took him to Iushan, the khan of Khiva, and Nadir-Muhammad, the khan of Bukhara and Balkh, to convey Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich’s offer of diplomatic and trade relations; it was positively received in Middle Asia. Gribov’s second mission (1646–47), sent by Aleksei Mikhailovich, did not reach its destination in Middle Asia. In 1651, Gribov was sent as a messenger to Shah Abbas II. Gribov’s missions were also major trade expeditions. The materials from Gribov’s missions are valuable sources for Middle Asian history of the 1640’s.


Preobrazhenskii, A. A. “Iz istorii snoshenii Russkogo gosudarstva so Srednei Aziei v XVII v.” In the collection Istoricheskie zapiski, vol. 36. Moscow, 1951.