释义 |
DictionarySeeRed miteEncyclopediaSeeChicken MiteDermanyssus gallinae
Der·ma·nys·sus gal·li·nae (der'mă-nis'ŭs ga-lē'nē), The red hen-mite, a parasite of chickens, pigeons, and other birds; it sometimes attacks humans and causes an itching eruption, especially in sensitized people. [derm- + G. nyssō, to prick; L. gallina, hen] Dermanyssus gallinae (dĕr″mă-nĭ′sŭs găl-ī′nē) [Gr. derma, skin + nyssō, to prick + L. gallina, hen] A species of mite found in chickens. Its bite may cause an itchy rash, esp. prevalent in owners of infested farm animals or pets. |