

C0070500 (kăn′ən)n. pl. cannon or can·nons 1. A large mounted weapon that fires heavy projectiles. Cannon include guns, howitzers, and mortars.2. The loop at the top of a bell by which it is hung.3. A round bit for a horse.4. Zoology The section of the lower leg in some hoofed mammals between the hock or knee and the fetlock, containing the cannon bone.5. Chiefly British A carom made in billiards.v. can·noned, can·non·ing, can·nons To bombard with cannon.2. Chiefly British To cause to carom in billiards.v.intr.1. To fire cannon.2. Chiefly British To make a carom in billiards.
[Middle English canon, from Old French, from Old Italian cannone, augmentative of canna, tube, from Latin, reed; see cane.]