depressive personality disorder
[de-pres´iv]depressive personality disorder
A condition described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) as a pervasive pattern of depressive cognitions and behaviours beginning by early adulthood and occurring in a variety of contexts. It is distinguished from major depressive episodes and dysthmic disorder, as it is pervasive and ongoing.DPD is a controversial psychiatric entity which was included in the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-II, removed from DSM-III and DSM-III-R, included in DSM-IV-TR and being considered for inclusion in DSM 5.
Depressive personality disorder
Five or more of the below must be present most days for two+ years
• Usual mood is dominated by dejection, gloominess, cheerlessness, joylessness and unhappiness;
• Self-concept centres around beliefs of inadequacy, worthlessness and low self-esteem;
• Critical, blaming and derogatory towards self;
• Broods, worries;
• Negativistic, critical and judgemental toward others;
• Pessimistic;
• Prone to guilt and remorse.
Patient discussion about depressive personality disorder
Q. What are the factors which may lead to depression in a person?
How an individual handles family and health issues.
How one deals with grief.
How one deals with their anger.
How one deals with guilt.
Hom much you exercise or do physical activities.
How well you sleep or get rest.
How one deals with tragedies, accidents, or misfortunes.
Basically in a nutshell, how one copes with whatever situations occur.
Q. When a person is likely to develop the symptoms of depression? I’m Zakary, Is depression common among all age groups? When a person is likely to develop the symptoms of depression?