Elective Offices

Elective Offices


offices in the governmental system or in public organizations which are filled by elections.

In the USSR laborers and office and professional workers freed from work in connection with their election to offices in government organs as well as Party, trade union, komsomol, cooperative, and other public organizations may resume their previous employment after the expiration of their terms. If the position no longer exists, the worker is granted equivalent employment at the same enterprise or institution or, with his consent, at another one (Fundamentals of Labor Law of the USSR and the Union Republics, art. 46). Upon being transferred to other work in connection with election to office, the worker is credited with an uninterrupted period of service. Labor disputes of elected workers holding salaried positions in the organizations which elected them—disputes arising from such matters as dismissal, reinstatement, transfer to other work, or imposition of disciplinary penalties—are resolved by those higher organs to which the organization employing the elected workers is subordinate, in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of Jan. 31, 1957 (Vedomosti Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR, 1957, no. 4, art. 58).