Hsin Ching-Nien

Hsin Ch’ing-Nien


(New Youth), a sociopolitical and liter-aryjournal published in China from 1915 to 1926.

Hsin ch’ing-nien, called Ch’ing-nien (Youth) until 1916, was founded in Shanghai. Li Ta-chao, Lu Hsin, and other democratic figures took an active part in its publication. The journal demanded a bourgeois democratic transformation of China’s political and cultural life. After the triumph of the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia, Hsin ch’ing-nien printed articles advocating Marxism and played an important role in the ideological preparation for the anti-imperialist May Fourth Movement of 1919. In July 1922 the journal was closed down, but in June 1923 it resumed publication in the city of Canton, the center of the revolutionary movement in China at that time. Four issues were published, the first of which was devoted to the Comintern.