释义 |
elec abbreviation for 1. electric 2. electricity TranslationsELEC
ELEC(Enterprise LEC) An organization that is large enough (about 2500 or more employees) to file for CLEC status and become its own customer. As a CLEC, it can purchase telephone service at wholesale rates that it can sell to itself and to others to further reduce costs. The Yankee Group coined the term. See LEC, CLEC and ILEC.electric, electricalThe qualifying adjectives electric and electrical have the following meanings: containing, producing, arising from, actuated by, or related to electricity. In general, electric is used when the term being qualified designates something that has the properties, dimensions, or physical characteristics associated with electricity; electrical is used when the term being qualified does not explicitly designate something that has the properties, dimensions, or physical characteristics of electricity (e.g., electrical engineering). However, sometimes these two terms are used interchangeably.MedicalSeeelectricFinancialSeeILECELEC
Acronym | Definition |
ELEC➣Electric | ELEC➣Electronic | ELEC➣Electrical | ELEC➣Electrician | ELEC➣Elective (school subject) | ELEC➣Éditions en Ligne de l'École des Chartes (French electronic publication collection) | ELEC➣Enterprise Local Exchange Carrier | ELEC➣European League for Economic Cooperation | ELEC➣Ethernet Local Exchange Carrier |