Acronym | Definition |
NRE➣Non-Recurring Engineering |
NRE➣Non-Recurring Expense |
NRE➣Nomura Real Estate (Japan) |
NRE➣Nelson Racing Engines (Chatsworth, CA) |
NRE➣Nippon Restaurant Enterprise (Japan) |
NRE➣Neuse River Estuary (North Carolina) |
NRE➣Natural Resources and Environment (UK Government Panel) |
NRE➣Network Reliability Evaluation |
NRE➣Nero Cd Extra |
NRE➣Northern Region East (B'nai B'rith Youth Organization) |
NRE➣Non Resident External (Account) |
NRE➣National Railway Equipment (locomotive leasing company) |
NRE➣New and Renewable Energy |
NRE➣National Rail Enquiries (UK) |
NRE➣Norepinephrine |
NRE➣New Relationship Energy (alt.polyamory) |
NRE➣Nuclear and Radiological Engineering |
NRE➣New Rural Economy (Canada) |
NRE➣Navigator Request Engine (library software) |
NRE➣Non-Renewable Energy |
NRE➣Naval Research Enterprise |
NRE➣Nouvelle Régulation Économique (French) |
NRE➣National Register Eligible |
NRE➣Non Refundable Engineering (Costs) |
NRE➣Null Reference Exception |
NRE➣Non-Refundable-Expense (accounting) |
NRE➣Naval Research Establishment |
NRE➣Non-Recurring Effort |
NRE➣Non-Recoverable Expense |
NRE➣Non-Resident Expatriate |
NRE➣New Relationship Excitement (Polyamory) |
NRE➣Non-Rotating Earth |
NRE➣No Religion Entered (Canadian military) |
NRE➣No Reply Expected (Internet slang) |