euglobulin clot lysis time

eu·glob·u·lin clot ly·sis time

a measure of the ability of plasminogen activators and plasmin to lyse a clot; normally, clot lysis is determined by the balance of factors that activate fibrinolysis (plasminogen activators and plasmin) and those that inhibit lysis; in certain conditions (for example, carcinoma or hepatic insufficiency) activating factors predominate and can be measured by noting the time it takes the euglobulin fraction of plasma (excluding inhibitors of fibrinolysis) to clot.

euglobulin clot lysis time

Fibrinolysis time Hematology A test of in vivo fibrinolysis, in which diluted and acidified plasma is cooled, causing precipitation of fibrinogen, plasminogen, plasmin, plasminogen activator; ECLT measures the time from the formation of a blood clot to its dissolution; ECLT is ↑ in DIC; ↓ 1º fibrinolysis. See Clotting time.