Acronym | Definition |
DPM➣Data Protection Manager (Microsoft) |
DPM➣Diesel Particulate Matter |
DPM➣Doctor of Podiatric Medicine |
DPM➣Deputy Prime Minister (United Kingdom) |
DPM➣Disintegrations Per Minute (medicine) |
DPM➣Direct Part Marking |
DPM➣Dundee Precious Metals, Inc. (Canada) |
DPM➣Data Position Measurement |
DPM➣Distributed Power Management (software) |
DPM➣Display Power Management (electronic devices) |
DPM➣Development Project Management (various locations) |
DPM➣De Puta Madre (Spanish; desirable) |
DPM➣Dynamic Power Management |
DPM➣Digital Pocket Memo |
DPM➣Disaster Prevention and Management (journal) |
DPM➣Dopamine |
DPM➣Digital Panel Meter |
DPM➣Dos Protected Mode |
DPM➣Digital Power Management |
DPM➣Direct Parallel Monitor |
DPM➣Data Protection Manager |
DPM➣Desktop Product Manager |
DPM➣Director of Personnel Management (various organizations) |
DPM➣Derek Prince Ministries |
DPM➣Damp Proof Membrane (plumbing and construction) |
DPM➣Disruptive Pattern Material (camouflage technology used in military uniforms) |
DPM➣Defects Per Million |
DPM➣Documents Per Minute |
DPM➣Domaine Public Maritime (French: Maritime Public Domain) |
DPM➣Docteur en Médecine Podiatrique (French: Doctor of Podiatric Medicine; Canada) |
DPM➣Doctor of Plant Medicine |
DPM➣Direction de la Population et des Migrations (French: Directorate of Population and Migration) |
DPM➣Département de Pharmacochimie Moléculaire (French: Department of Molecular Medicine) |
DPM➣Detroit People Mover (Detroit, Michigan) |
DPM➣Dual Port Memory |
DPM➣Direction du Patrimoine et des Moyens (French: Heritage Branch and Means) |
DPM➣Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation |
DPM➣Design Preservation Models |
DPM➣Deputy Project Manager |
DPM➣Data Processing Manager |
DPM➣Direct Procurement Method |
DPM➣Designated Primary Market-Maker (US SEC term applicable to self-regulatory exchanges) |
DPM➣Division of Payment Management |
DPM➣Dental Practice Management |
DPM➣Décoration Protection des Métaux (French: Decorative Metal Protection) |
DPM➣Directional Policy Matrix (strategic marketing analysis) |
DPM➣Data Processing Machine |
DPM➣Decays Per Minute |
DPM➣Downtown People Mover |
DPM➣Dave Patrick Models (airplanes) |
DPM➣Deputy Production Manager (various organizations) |
DPM➣Dispute Prevention and Management (India) |
DPM➣Direction de la Politique Médicale (French) |
DPM➣Drop Physics Module |
DPM➣Décor Peinture Maintenance (French: Decor Painting Maintenance) |
DPM➣Department of Procurement Management |
DPM➣Digital Phase Modulation |
DPM➣Digital PlateMaster |
DPM➣Discretionary Portfolio Management |
DPM➣Délai Post Mortem (French: Postmortem Delay) |
DPM➣Dubai Photo Media (United Arab Emirates news agency) |
DPM➣Direct Procured Move (government contract) |
DPM➣Dépression Psychotique Majeure (French: Major Psychotic Depression) |
DPM➣Digital Performance Management (Ski Doo) |
DPM➣Development Process Manual |
DPM➣Draft Presidential Memorandum |
DPM➣Digital Picture Manipulator (Grass Valley Group) |
DPM➣Digital Prominence Monitor |
DPM➣Diploma of Psychological Medicine |
DPM➣Double Palm Manager |
DPM➣Damage Per Minute (gaming, World of Warcraft) |
DPM➣Dipivaloylmethanate |
DPM➣Directparallel Connection Monitor |
DPM➣Dreaded Purple Master |
DPM➣Dose Planning Method |
DPM➣Detection Profile Method |
DPM➣Digital Pressure Module |
DPM➣Distributed Programs Monitor |
DPM➣District of Columbia Personnel Manual |
DPM➣Decompositions Per Minute |
DPM➣Digital Plotter Map |
DPM➣Derivatives Portfolio Management, LLC |
DPM➣Dots Per Millimeter (printing resolution) |
DPM➣Deputy Product Manager |
DPM➣Doctorate of Project Management |
DPM➣Doctor of Preventive Medicine |
DPM➣Dynamic Probing Medium |
DPM➣Dissemination Program Manager |
DPM➣Data Processing Manual |
DPM➣Defense Priority Model |
DPM➣Disintergrations Per Minute |
DPM➣Downtime Performance Measurement |
DPM➣Diplomatic Pouch and Mail |
DPM➣Direction de la Prévention Médicale (French; Senegal) |
DPM➣Digital Process for Manufacturing |
DPM➣Defense Program Memorandum |
DPM➣Design Procedures Manual |
DPM➣Distributed Pattern Matching |
DPM➣Daughters of Presentation of Mary in the Temple |
DPM➣Discrete Point Module |
DPM➣Digital Phone Multiplexer |
DPM➣Department of Physics and Measurements |
DPM➣Digital Process Measurement (Pty) Ltd (South Africa) |
DPM➣Digital Processing Module |
DPM➣Detroit Peace Makers |
DPM➣Dynamic Performance Monitor |
DPM➣Design Professional Membership |
DPM➣Defence Planning and Management (Canada) |
DPM➣Deputy Program/Project Manager |
DPM➣Deputy Provost Marshall |
DPM➣Data Products Management |
DPM➣Digital Pattern Meter |
DPM➣Dynamic Pulsewidth Modulator |
DPM➣Defensive Planning Module |
DPM➣Decision Planning Memorandum |
DPM➣Downtime Due to Preventive Maintenance |
DPM➣DIMHRS Pay Module |
DPM➣Division de la Prévision et des Moyens (French: Forecasting Division and Means) |
DPM➣Development Proposal Manager |
DPM➣Diversified Portfolio Managers Limited |
DPM➣Distance-Preserving Mapping |
DPM➣Dial Processor Module (Newbridge) |
DPM➣Dynamic Penetration Management |
DPM➣Duplexer Module |
DPM➣Double Package Maker (food industry) |
DPM➣Dimensional Paper Model |
DPM➣Director/Directorate of Production Management |
DPM➣Digital Performance Monitoring (Ciena) |
DPM➣Directed Patrol Mission |
DPM➣Division de Patrullaje Motorizado (Guatemala police division) |
DPM➣Division Plant Manager (Sprint) |
DPM➣Digital Product Model |
DPM➣De Pecunia Mea (Latin: Through My Own Money, epigraphy) |
DPM➣Data Communication Channel Processor Module (Telabs) |
DPM➣Digital Postal Mail |
DPM➣Detroit Process Machinery (Mount Clemens, MI) |