Glen Elder State Park

Glen Elder State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Kansas
Location:12 miles west of Beloit in Mitchell County, on the shores of Waconda Lake.
Facilities:121 campsites with electrical hookups (most with water), 240non-utility sites, modern restroom and shower buildings, full-servicemarina (Apr-Oct), 6 boat ramp lanes, 2 courtesy docks (é), boatrental, fish cleaning station (é), group shelter, sports field,volleyball courts, swimming beach, nature trails (under development),historic site.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, swimming, hiking, bicycling, baseball, softball, volleyball, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park's 12,500-acre Waconda Lake is one of the largest in the state andoffers numerous recreational opportunities. In addition, WacondaHeritage Village, an area depicting pioneer heritage and NativeAmerican lore, is being developed on park property. Historic HopewellChurch has been reconstructed on the site, providing historicaldisplays and a room that can be reserved for group events.
Address:2131 180 Rd
Glen Elder, KS 67446

Size: 1,391 acres.

See other parks in Kansas.